RNS Quote of the Day: 05/04/10

It’s a two-fer!

You know, I don’t want to jump to conclusions here, because that would make me too much like Matt Drudge. But if the car bomber was indeed a white guy in his 40s who didn’t know the difference between ammonium nitrate and plain old fertilizer, I’m thinking it’s gotta be a Beck Patriot who was trying to water the tree of liberty with… the blood of random Times Square tourists.

Let’s see: wrong kind of fertilizer. Shut-off propane tanks. Someone who’s not all that bright, or good with details? Someone who apparently modeled his bomb on those of infamous bombmaker Wile E. Coyote?

Ah, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it’s a Limbaugh listener.

Suzie Madrak – Crooks & Liars blog

Do you feel the love yet?

It was the teabaggin’ astroturfers. If it wasn’t, I hope they get fingered for it and and put and end to the (bowel) movement once and for all.


An attempt at mass murder, and neither of these folks want to wait for leads to be followed or suspects to be apprehended. Just round up them thar teabaggers and start jailing ’em.

I was listening to Thom Hartman’s radio show yesterday and he was advocating the death penalty for the executives of the the companies involved in the oil rig fire. Not jokingly. He was citing old, rescinded legal statutes and advocating bringing them back.

Who are the most likely potential fascists again?

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5 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 05/04/10

  1. BadIdeaGuy says:

    Regarding that dumb beyotch who calls herself a “guerilla”:

    It seems to me that outside of any political thought: most normal people I know have stories of the biggest thing we ever made go boom, and we were just suburban kids with fireworks, gasoline, gunpowder, and handy model rocket motors.

    A friend’s brother (now an engineer in the space program) blew up a sewer with hydrogen made by putting current in water.

    I could tell it wasn’t an American because it fortunately didn’t go boom.

    It’s also unAmerican to blow up innocent people, and only a stupid America-hating Obamaoist like Suzie “that’s DOCTOR Amy Bishop” Madrak would use the situation to blame political opposition.

    But she comes from the strain of “we deserved 9/11 because of our foreign policy” leftarded thought that justifies killing innocents, so maybe she’s projecting her own beliefs onto her opposition.

  2. Heartless Libertarian says:

    Re: the sealed propane tanks. She’s also apparently never near of a Boiling Liquid Vapor Explosion, or “Bleve.”

    Basically, you heat something like a propane tank up until it explodes. It’s apparently quite nasty. The guy who drove the flaming Jeep Cherokee loaded with propane tanks may have also been trying this. Klebold and Harris had propane tank bombs (thank thankfully didn’t work) as Columbine, too – and weren’t they supposedly sociopathic evil masterminds?

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    Those two Jihadi masterminds in Britain at the airport – the one who got beat-to-hell by the angry Scotsman, and the other who burnt his own ass, had unopened gas cylinders too. Seems to be a fad with the fayedeen.

    If it were an American it would have blown up. We like our explosions so much that Hollywood has virtualy initiated a program in which for every chick-flick made there are three additional car-chases and flaming explosions added to each additional movie in progress – if the chick-flick itself doesn’t have ’em already.

  4. Mollbot says:

    Seems a Pakistani national has admitted to setting the bomb in Times Square. Color me not shocked?

  5. DFWMTX says:

    Liberals are having a hard time believing it was a Pakistani national, so obviously there’s a government cover-up or Dick Cheney is involved.

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