
We’ll see. If he wields his veto pen with vigor and reins in Congress, I have to admit he could be one of the greats in terms of impact on the country (a la FDR). I seriously doubt that’s going to happen, and agree with most of Steven denBeste’s excellent analysis here.

I would have enjoyed watching lefty heads explode if McCain had won. But we’re going to see lefty heads exploding anyway; it’s just going to take longer.

Pay particular attention to denBeste’s list of predictions, heavy on foreign policy. Especially these:

2. The US hasn’t suffered a terrorist attack by al Qaeda since 9/11, but we’ll get at least one during Obama’s term.

3. We’re going to lose in Afghanistan.

4. Iran will get nuclear weapons. There will be nuclear war between Iran and Israel. (This is the only irreversibly terrible thing I see upcoming, and it’s very bad indeed.)

On the domestic front, I’d add that if Obama is stupid enough to, say, sign a national CCW ban, then I’ve seriously overestimated him.

Besides, we’ve got Superwoman waiting in the wings. 

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7 Responses to Superman?

  1. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I love that pic of Gov. Palin. I don’t know why, but I guess because I see her as a person of action who believes something very close to what I do about how this nation reaches its potential.

    Rather than dwelling on past grievances (“America’s original sin of slavery”), she has results working to improve “now” and the future. Obama requires you to consider the past grievances of others to justify his actions.

  2. Army of Dad says:

    My 9 year old walked in this morning and said “This means the terrorists will be coming here, doesn’t it?”

    He gets it, but not enough people in what used to be the greatest country in the world get it.

    Oh well I am sure the Jews who voted for Obama won’t care when Isreal is a glowing heap of ashes and we can only hope that the terrorists will attack the liberal islands in this country and leave the rest of us alone.

    Somehow being able to tell them I told you so will not make me feel better.

  3. Army of Dad says:

    Steven is wrong about people getting wiser. They may have been true at one time in the country, but not anymore.

  4. DFWMTX says:

    Well, seeing as how the public school has failed US children in its duty of teaching civics and history, maybe we will learn in the next 4 years the dangers of socialism from the School of Hard Knocks. I’ll be annoying for those of us who didn’t fall asleep in history lessons, but at least we have learned from the past so we can anticipate what the future may hold.

    Increasing hard cash reserves seems like a good idea at the moment.

  5. DFWMTX says:

    PS – I do hope we see Sarah in the political future. The pessimistic side of me thinks however we might not.

    Thompson/Palin 2012 would be awesome.

  6. Rivrdog says:

    Steven Den Beste’s (and others’) fears of a nationwide CCW ban are only partly founded.

    Given the Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments, I doubt if the Feds can reach into States and ban CCW outright. What they could do is ban the interstate agreements on CCW permits. This would set back State CCW to where it was just a few years ago, where you could carry in your own State but not outside of it.

    Let’s be honest here: with Utah having a CCW-by mail system, and that permit being acceptable in, what, 30 States now, aren’t these agreements ripe for the picking off by the Feds? The States have probably over-reached THEIR authorities, which generally end at their borders, with the reciprocity agreements.

    One piece of GOOD news here is that if the Feds take a firm stance that a State’s authority ends at it’s borders, that shuts down CA’s idiotic position as being the international Chief of Air Quality Police. They can’t have it both ways, either they toss CA’s interstate emissions program under the bus along with CCWs, or they leave interstate CCW reciprocity alone.

  7. Tony says:

    Damn she is so hot.

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