Wish for Peace

Without getting off your ass!

It’s the “Sit for Change Meditation Marathon�!

Sit For Change brings together the practice of meditation with the promotion of peace, compassion and respect for human dignity. This 10-day “meditation marathon” kicks off on December 21. Registration and fundraising are now underway! It’s an opportunity for you – whatever your faith or meditation experience – to join with thousands of other people around the world in raising awareness and funds for charities focused on human rights, families, the environment and the benefits of meditation. On December 31, we’ll celebrate at local gatherings and via the web with a live international broadcast.

It’s the perfect exercise for lefties as they can hope for hours on end without actually doing anything and get money for it!

Meditation has proven physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Meditating and engaging as part of a worldwide community in Sit for Change will help create personal and social transformation because:

Collective meditation strengthens the ground for global compassion and humanity.

The scale of the event focuses international awareness on the power of combining contemplative practice with social transformation.

The funds raised support major organizations working for positive change.

And just who are these funds going to, you may ask; Environmentalist rag ‘Grist Magazine’, Amnesty International and The Sierra Club, among others.

While I know I shouldn’t mock people of any faith, I really feel I need to here because not only is it fun, but I can guarantee you that these people are not meditating on stopping the mass murder and dreams of an Islamic Earth at all costs by the Islamofascists, no, they’re meditating on stopping the Bush Administration spreading democracy in Iraq.

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