RNS Quote of the Day: Over Educated, Yet Unlearned

Local blogging author and leftist, David Neiwert, has written yet another screed on one of his favorite right-bashing topics, ‘Hate Crimes’. In it he completely ignores any hating he himself may do in the form of lumping any and all who reside on the other side of the aisle from him as homosexual hating proponents of white-pride whose favorite hobby is destroying the planet’s eco-structure and goal it is to bring fascism to America..

I knew that I should have stopped reading it when I got past the introductory sentence:

Have you ever noticed how, when libertarians and right-wingers talk about “threats to our freedoms,” the only source of those threats is the government?

But I couldn’t just leave it there. I had to see if Dave could dig himself an even deeper hole of ignorance in the following paragraph.

Let’s just say I wasn’t disappointed:

It’s perhaps useful to remember that, over the course of American history, the greatest threats to the liberty of American citizens have come not from the government, but from our fellow citizens. Particularly, those directed by white citizens against nonwhites.

If Neiwert actually knew his history as well as he thinks he does, he would know that that statement is an utter and complete lie, used to fire up the victimhood reflex of his sycophantic readership.

He seems to have forgotten how it was the error of government that allowed slavery in the first place, producing multiple times more deaths than his self titled ‘Lynching Period’ ever did. It was also the error of government that led to horrific scenes such as the infamous Cherokee ‘Trail of Tears’.

These two sad periods in our nation’s history were not the fault of individuals, but of government. Yes, a government’s actions are a product of the decisions of individuals, but they are carried out in an official capacity.

The latter half of his post, Neiwert quotes an article from the Southern Poverty Law Center on some recent guesswork by the DoJ about how some believe that ‘Hate Crimes’ may be underreported by a magnitude of fifteen. The report says that this may be in part due to the influx of illegal aliens unwilling to report the incidents and/or by the incompetence of the constabulary being unable to report said incidents properly.

All of this squealing had me remembering one of the past Quotes of the Day, which I searched for and found.

Oct 11th, 2005 Quote of the Day

Ayn Rand: Man’s Rights – 1963

Remember that rights are moral principles which define and protect a man’s freedom of action, but impose no obligations on other men. Private Citizens are not a threat to one another’s rights or freedom. A private citizen who resorts to physical force and violates the rights of others is a criminal – and men have legal protection against him.

This statement uses fact to show the absolute ignorance of any proponent of “Hate Crimes Legislation”, because anything any private individual can do to another citizen their rights is already a crime; murder is still murder, assault is still assault, arson is still arson, property theft/destruction is still property destruction.

There is no need for an extra criminal classification and punishment other than to be used as a factor to separate one class of citizen from another so as to divide and conquer to whole and keep those who see themselves as eternal victims on one side of the political aisle.

And that side of the aisle is almost always without fail, on the left.

And yet it is also the left side of the aisle that has its tent staked deeply in the gound of thought that disarming individual citizens is “A Good thing�, when it is precisely the ability of citizens being able to arm themselves that would lead to a reduction of crimes against individuals, including those crimes that could be classified as “Hate Crimes�.

How might James Byrd Jr’s fate have been changed if he had been armed? Or Matthew Shepard’s, who was 21 years old when he was killed? Would cowardly Aryan Nations members burn a cross in a yard if they knew the residents were firearm owners?

But members of the black community and the homosexual community are told by the political party that has claimed them and that takes them for granted that firearms are evil, destructive objects used for killing, not for protecting. They are told that they should rely on ‘Hate Crimes Legislation’ and the police for protection. Those same police who are now being touted as being too unknowing to be able to properly write up a ‘Hate Crime’.

If you confront Neiwert on ‘Hate Crimes’ legislation being unfairly applied when the roles are reversed with a member of a so-called “minority groupâ€? committing a ‘Hate Crime’ against a member of a so-called “majority groupâ€? he will dig around and find one or two of the piddling number of cases where those laws were applied in an attempt to tell you that you are incorrect, using his “Look! You’re wrong and that means you must be a racist because you didn’t know about it!” style. I know this because I have seen him do precisely this at his site.

But because he was not told to think so by the SPLC, he will never admit that these hate crime numbers that are supposedly so underreported could also be due to government lawyers refusing to prosecute “minorities� for violations of ‘Hate Crimes’ violations against members of the “majority� because of their subconscious racist belief that “Hate� can only be dished out by “the majority�.

I can only hope that ‘Hate Crimes Legislation’ will be seen by future generations as yet another error of racist government.

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