Banging my head on the desk again

Trying to knock loose the reason as to why anyone was surprised to find out that Bush ordered wire taps on international calls.

While we didn’t KNOW they were doing it, please tell me that no one here was surprised to find this out? (please say no)

It is our job as citizens to think of the worst things our government could do to impede on our freedoms and suspect them of doing it. Not to be paranoid, but to be vigilant and watchful. It didn’t take September 11th, 2001 to get me to think they were tapping international calls, remember who was President before Bush. Why would the feds quit because the Administration changed? We all know that they don’t listen to anyone unless it fits their agenda.

It is just like the internet; when the government controls the main distribution hubs, exactly what kind of privacy can we expect? I may be semi-anonymous to you, but I know I’m not to them. Log in, log out, where we go and what we say is all available to them if they want it.

This is not to say that I like it, because just about everything the fed does bothers me, so I don’t sweat it, I’m just careful.

The same thing goes for me with the Patriot Act; I don’t like one single part of it, but I figure that they’re doing it anyway and as it has been since the beginning of history; Better a Known Enemy, Than One That is Unknown.

If I know what some of their plays are, I can design a better work around.

Do you like having a unique GPS signal emanating from your cell phone? Too bad, when you upgraded Uncle Sam included a gift that is of little or no use to you but everything to them. I kept my ancient Motorala until it started flaking out on me and I had to upgrade. Now I know that if I need to bye-bye, I have to leave the phone on the roof of the local postal hub center or give it to one of the neighborhood homies.

While I can laugh at the liberal attempts at moral sanctimony with this story, I am having a difficult time understanding their shocked reactions. I figured that their hatred of Bush would have left them unsurprised; that and I’m sure I remember some of them accusing him of it years ago. I would like to hear a few more of them demand to know who the Dems were that knew about this though. So far, I’ve got one of the Klueless Kos Kids getting all huffy about this on the front page and nothing else.

But since when have they ever done anything to please me?

So, to review: Government is not your friend and will try to make you its bitch at every possible opportunity.

That is all.

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