Adventures in Twititude

Glen Beck can be a twit. I sometimes listen to him on my way home in the mornings. He has called himself a clown and when he goes into clown-mode is when I tire of him quickly.

However, Mark Levin is a much larger twit than Beck. Mostly because he looks to have turned into a party hack who doesn’t mind re-electing RINOs so long as it means his preferred party stays in power.

At CPAC, Beck went off on progressive members of both parties.

This annoyed Levin. He though that Beck should have held back on talking abotu RINOs and focused only on Democrats.

Beck spent precious little time aiming fire at Obama-Pelosi-Reid in his speech, and it is they who are destroying our country.

No, Mr. Levin, the people destroying our country are those who fuck up so badly during their period of governance that the people un-elect them from holding a majority. And then they go and “compromise” with the new majority party on horrible legislation.

I realize that you need to slow down a car before you can turn it around, but the people you seem to want Beck and myself to ignore have no interest in turning the wheel, only in arriving at the edge of the river bank a little later.

Beck was speaking at CPAC. In case you forgot, Mr. Levin, the “C” stands for “Conservative”. The Republicans you wish Beck would back off of are not “Conservatives”. Or if they are, they’re the Christian Socialist kind of “Conservative”. The kind who think that humans walked with the dinosaurs, that Teh Gehys are bringing the nation to ruin and that pRon should be illegal for adults to buy/sell/own, but it is OK to give taxpayer money to tax exempt churches to distribute as they see fit in the hopes that the slight of hand will fool people.

The GOP is becoming more conservative thanks to the grass-roots movement and a political uprising across the country, which has even reached into New Jersey and Massachusetts.

Wrong. They are not. Brown, as we all well knew, was a New England Republican. But we needed that 41st vote, so we supported him. That is not the GOP getting more “conservative”. in fact, it is just the opposite.

Also, the GOP is fighting tooth and nail behind the scenes to not become more fiscally conservative. They’re trying ignore actual fiscal conservatives entering races (Rubio in FL) or flat out telling fiscal conservatives “Thanks, but no thanks.”

Mr. Levin, you can take your false outrage and put it where the sun don’t shine (which is also where you pulled these lame talking points out of) and have a nice day.

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2 Responses to Adventures in Twititude

  1. Anthony says:

    Levin does not understand the Tea Party is comprised of mostly independent voters who organized themselves. He doesn’t get it.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Don’t get too carried away by the TEA Party (correct designation, BTW). They were like summer dandelions around here: popped up, bloomed, and died back in a very short time.

    Also they weren’t too damn conservative in my area. My wife wanted to do some demonstrations, and she is manually handicapped, so I made her a sign. The sign read, “CONSTITUTION” in huge block letters, then in smaller letters, “It’s in Black AND White, read it!”

    She got to the demonstration, and the Capo Regime there, a friend of hers, looked at the sign and decided it was “racist”, changed the “AND” (underlined caps) into lower case with whiteout and magic marker, and said nothing to me, the owner of the intellectual property. The wife-friend and I had quite the discussion afterwards.

    The Oregon TEA Party devolved in a mishmash of RINOs. I was amazed, I didn’t think that there could be that many different types of RINOs. In my yute, I was a YAF-er, and in those days there were real, conservative Republicans, and RINOs who were known as “Rockefeller Republicans” Your choice was simple then.

    Nowadays, it seems that there are lots of varieties of Republicans, but can any of them REALLY be called Conservative? The TEA Party started out staunchly conservative, but it’s recent incarnations have been heavily infiltrated with RINOs.

    So, there is a time determinant here. Ask your TEA Party person when they first cottoned to the idea. If it was BEFORE mid-summer of ’09, they might just be an authentic conservative. If they didn’t jump onto the bandwagon until AFTER mid-summer ’09, then they are likely a RINO transplant.

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