Get ready for the re-education

The numbers for Obama’s health care plan look worse than those for Bush’s privatization of Social Security

Less than 15% of U.S. voters support, and 53% oppose, a proposal pushed by health insurers requiring every American to provide proof of private health insurance or face tax penalties or other fines, according to a new poll. The poll, commissioned by Consumer Watchdog, also found that by just under a two-to-one margin voters favor requiring a return on taxpayer-funded research that leads to new medical treatments or prescription drugs.

So, of course, this means that Obama’s people will have to get out there and re-educate the people so that they” believe this is good for them.

McCain’s campaign plan of taxing your employer based health care plan like income was apparently shot down during the election, but that isn’t stopping the Democrats in Congress from floating it through the system

In the last month of the presidential campaign, it was one of Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s strongest attack lines: John McCain, they warned, would “tax your healthcare benefits for the first time ever.”

But now, some Congressional Democrats in charge of health reform are talking about doing just that.

They would not go as far as McCain, who wanted to end the tax exclusion entirely for employer-sponsored insurance, which excludes money spent by employees and their employers on health benefits from income and payroll taxes.

But some key Democrats are talking about limiting the benefit for workers, so that those with higher incomes or more generous health benefits might pay taxes on some portion of the income they use to pay for their health premiums.

The redistribution of health care. Lovely.

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One Response to Get ready for the re-education

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Gonna nuance your: “The redistribution of health care. Lovely.”

    No, it’s “The redistribution of wealth through health care.”

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