They used to call it “Enabling�

Now it is classified as ‘Government Help’.

Seventy-five hard-core alcoholics, accustomed to living on the streets and spending nights in emergency rooms, detox centers or jail cells, are about to get an invitation to move into a new apartment building all their own on the edge of downtown Seattle.

After much controversy and a failed legal challenge, the Downtown Emergency Service Center is set to open at 1811 Eastlake Ave. It is an $11.2 million, four-story housing project for 75 homeless men and women who are among Seattle’s worst-case chronic alcoholics. Tenants are being picked from a list of those identified by King County as draining the most emergency and criminal-justice resources — and therefore taxpayer dollars — from the community.

Each tenant of the building, named 1811 Eastlake, will have been addicted to alcohol for at least 15 years and failed at alcohol treatment at least six times. Most will be at least 45 years old, and the chance of ever getting sober is next to nil.

Merry Christmas, drunkards!

The City of Seattle is going to reward you, a middle aged hopeless drunk with no hope of recovery, who has spent more time in the drunk tank and the city jail than earning a paycheck, a rent free apartment paid for by the taxpayers where you can not only get as hooched up as you like, but you can invite your friends to join you.

And all you have to do is keep up with your self-destructive behavior!

You want proof of the utter libtardedness of this whole endeavor? Here you go,

Though it’s not an alcohol-treatment center, Bill Hobson (the center’s executive director) said he hopes tenants will moderate their drinking over time.

Hey Hobson, you put some hope in one of your hands, I’ll shit in your other one and together we’ll be able to see which one fills up first.

People like Hobson haven’t even thought far enough into the future to see what might happen if on of these bums dies of alcohol poisoning on the premises. Can you say lawsuit settlement paid for by the taxpayer? I know I can!

And the final wad of spit in the face of the taxpaying voter,

“We want to work cooperatively (with the DESC) to make it as successful as possible,” said Brent Camann, assistant manager of SpringHill Suites, a hotel with rooms that look down onto 1811 Eastlake’s two smoking decks.

Yes, you read that right!

There will be two smoking decks on the backside of the building. While smoking must be done outside, the decks themselves are in blatant violation of the recently enacted smoking ban’s “25 feet from a doorway, window or air duct” rule since neither of them is more than twenty feet in any dimension.

Proving that government will do what it wants, when it wants, where it wants, and as long as they claim that it is ‘For the Common Good’ the people’s opinion doesn’t really matter.

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4 Responses to They used to call it “Enabling�

  1. Joe Huffman says:

    I’ve had a government type person, and this WASN’T even a law enforcement guy, literally show me a badge and say, “See this badge? This means the law doesn’t apply to us.”

  2. Bullfrog says:

    Unbelievable. So Mr. Hobson thinks if he gives these people a place to crash, that they will “eventually moderate their drinking over time”?; Laughable, unless he means the odds increase that they will go on a bender and croak of alcohol poisoning, as you mentioned. What is scary is that most people think these “Community Programs” are worth our hard-earned money and don’t have the common sense to see that this is plain old Socialism at work; and when has Socialism EVER worked? Pass the Kool-Aid!

  3. Bullfrog says:

    I just caught this in the article (link above):

    There is a proviso, however. While allowed to drink all the booze they want in their rooms, they must agree to behave responsibly when outside.

    I actually laughed out loud at this! Since when does alcohol abuse and responsible behavior go hand in hand?!

    This idea is so obviously flawed and doomed for disaster, it isn’t even sporting to discuss it. No further comment.

  4. Rivrdog says:

    I’m not a liberal, but I’d like to look at this from a liberal point of view, so here goes:

    The city of Seattle and King County have many deserving individuals and families that need the support of the community to exist with dignity. The City just built 75 living units that could be occupied by economically dependent persons of good character, persons and families deserving of help.

    Instead, the City is going to assign these dwellings to individuals with substance abuse dependencies who have a life history of those issues and who have failed no less than 6 attempts to rehabilitate.

    Everything is relative, and that includes how deserving persons are of the generosity of the community when it comes to scarce subsidized housing.

    While casting NO moral aspersions, it is a fact that there are simply those who have a better claim on this help, those with children.

    It is completely unfair to give the help to those who have obviously proven not only their disdain for help, but by their behavior issues, have demonstrated that they are poor risks for community help.

    Whew! it was hard to say it, but there it is: even a motormouth liberal couldn’t support this idea.

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