They really do think they run the party

Because he won’t take their money anymore and he isn’t willing to run on their issues or talking points, MoveOn.Org is thinking of running their own Democrat against Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.

“The war in Iraq has all the characteristics of Joe-momentum,” said Tom Matzzie, Washington director of, a liberal, Democratic-leaning activist group, recalling a slogan the senator used unsuccessfully during his 2004 presidential campaign.

“Just like he didn’t realize his presidential ambitions were in trouble,” Matzzie said, “he doesn’t understand the war in Iraq isn’t going anywhere.”

No elected official would criticize Lieberman; he is still a respected figure within his party, someone who is a reliable vote on most issues of importance to Democrats. But Matzzie, whose organization claims more than 50,000 Connecticut members, said Wednesday that if his members ask, his group would back a Democratic challenger to Lieberman.

Matzzie was in New Haven last month, and found “the No. 1 question people asked me was, `What are we going to do about Joe Lieberman?'”

It is one thing if the Repub Party pulls its support from the campaigns of Arlen Specter or Lincoln Chafee, it is entirely another if say, the NRA told the party to piss off and that they would run their own guy against them.

It looks like the Dems have created a monster that they can’t control anymore. Not that I have a whole lot against Lieberman, but this will be fun to watch if MoveOn tries this.

If you ask the MSM, it is the pachyderm party that is fracturing. I guess they are just physically unable to report what they see.

Found by the Krazy Kos Kid’s Kharismatic Kommandant who goes on to ask his CT readers to start getting on top of this.

And he even has his candidate picked out!

Maybe he has already forgotten how badly his picks for 2004 faired?

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