The Difference

Between a free people and those residing under the thumb of a socialist state.

Not co-operating with a Parkdale search could make you a suspect, police admit

Toronto police admit that refusing to allow your residence to be searched in Parkdale this week could land you on the list of murder suspects in the dismemberment of a mystery woman.

A team of 20 officers is going door to door, asking residents to sign a consent form allowing a search of closets, basements and freezers, looking for evidence linked to the discovery of the victim’s dismembered torso in an alleyway three weeks ago.

If you do not let the police in to search your residence, without a warrant and without warning, the police in this case will consider you a suspect. A suspect is someone who is believed to be guilty.

A free people are innocent until proven guilty. The people of Toronto are not a free people.

And, of course, this is all done for “The Common Goodâ€?, and we’ve spoke about that, haven’t we?

Found at Moral Flexibility

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One Response to The Difference

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Totonto’s got nothing on Der Federal Bundesrepublik. A few years ago in a German city, the police were baffled on a rape-murder case. So they listed EVERY MALE CITIZEN’S NAME IN THE CITY, and made them all come in for DNA screening. There were almost 20,000 of them as I recall.

    Not wanting to be outdone, the Brits did the same thing a little later, albeit on a smaller scale.

    Defend your Constitution with your life, if required; or we will be next.

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