If one standard is good

Two must be even better, right?

Last week I posted about how half of the ‘Member Nations’ at the UN either refused to vote in favor of or just plain refused to vote on a resolution “Expressing Serious Concern� about the human rights abuses in North Korea.

The next to last sentence in the linked article said the following,

“Many objected to the General Assembly targeting individual countries with resolutions about human rights violations.�

Well, they sure must have all gotten over their objections pretty darn quickly because last Thursday the UN member nations voted nearly unanimously to pass six resolutions on the exact same topic targeting Israel, just like the organization has done for the past couple decades.

Unfortunately, all John Bolton could do was hold a press conference to state the obvious,

“These resolutions are purely symbolic,� Bolton told reporters at the UN. “It is one reason why many people say the UN is not really useful in solving actual problems. We have been making enormous progress toward solutions in the Arab-Israeli conflict, and that progress has benefited from UN participation, but it does not benefit from needless repetition of meaningless resolutions in the General Assembly.�

(link found at LGF)

And now I shall repeat my opinion from last week,

“I contend that if hell itself opened up, swallowed the UN building whole and then closed up again, we could actually call that a plus since Manhattan would have space for a brand spanking new parking garage.�

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