How Interesting

A couple weeks ago I blogged about the FBI arresting six eco-terrorists.

Well, far be it from me to resist stopping by the home base for eco-terrorist support, Portland IndyMedia, to see what they have to say about it. It is always worth at least a laugh.

And laugh I did, because they’re calling it “The Environmentalist Witch Hunt of 2005�

But none of this was really blog worthy, even here at humble RNS Gables, until William Rogers (aka Avalon) suffocated himself in his cell, sending the eco-weenies into a full blown tizzy.

First comment on the thread:

“Any signs of struggle on his body–bruises, etc.? Any independent autopsy?â€?

I’m surprised he didn’t accuse BushMcCheneyburton of secreting the guy off to Egypt for proper torture.

Second comment:

“I am grateful for the person he was, even though I never met him. I am thankful that people are standing up for the earth, and the acts with which Bill was accused of should be an inspiration to us all.�

Inspiration is good. Destroying private property is bad. Sorry people, but this guy is not one to be inspired by.

Fourth comment:

“I think it’s pretty obvious to say that he was murdered. The “war on terrorism” is expanding, peopleâ€?

Yeah, because he wouldn’t have maybe done it knowing that even if he wasn’t convicted on the eco-terrorism charges he’d probably still see jailtime for the child pr0n the FBI found in a search of his house.

And their madness doesn’t end there, oh no!

They believe that they have ID’d the ‘informants’ that helped the FBI make the arrests and posted their pictures on a thread.

Second comment in this thread:

“People say this guy will make up anything to stay out of jail. If you see him around steer clear.�

Fourth comment:

“Wake Up! The Amerikan STASI is watching!�

The fifth and sixth comments actually have people proposing restraint, but few are listening.

The seventh comment:

“jake admitted being a snitch to people in the community afterthe story broke. why he canstilltalk is agood question�

Lovely fella, this one. He learned to type in the public school system.

Local “I’m against everything� protester, Kristen Anderberg filled in the ninth comment:

“And just as pdx put out the COPWATCH CARD DECK, we now need one of those for snitches we know of. We really need to start a SNITCHWATCH website�

Then the sister of one of the ‘snitches’ stops by to try and defend her brother, only to be yelled at.

“your brother is the worst type of scum on earth. it is better for his child to have him dead than in his life because he will never EVER be a good father. anybody who would lie to the government to get a bunch of people put in prison for years is not a good person. you are defending a horrible man, i understand you love him but what he is doing is horrible. my innocent friend is facing decades in prison because your junkie crackhead meth head whatever he is brother is a snitch, a liar, and a weak fucking agent of the government.�

Not a kind people, these tree huggers, are they?

And last but not least, they accuse the fibbies of psychological torture because the Feds put the remaining five arrestees on suicide watch.

“After the so-called “eco-terrorist” defendant William C. Rogers, also known as Avalon, killed himself in a “live wild or die” concluding action in an Arizona jail, other co-defendants have been put on suicide watch. But is it for their own protection, or is the FBI using Avalon’s death to pressure the others?â€?

The poster then goes on to talk about one of Rogers’ co-defendants, Kevin Tubbs,

Kevin is a uniquely gentle, compassionate, non-violent individual, who according to the law should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. He has been on maximum security lockdown in a 5 X 8 foot cell with only one hour out per 24 to choose from showering, trying to keep up on his case in the newspaper, shaving or using the phone to contact his girlfriend he dearly misses and loves.

Oh boo hoo! I know of no one who takes an hour to shower and shave and I can’t think of anyone who would do so in prison (don’t drop the soap, Tubbs)! If his girlfriend can’t keep up on his case and tell him about it while they’re on the phone, she’s not much of a girlfriend.

Do these hippies have no time management skills?

All four of his requests for vegetarian meals have been denied despite a letter from his doctor saying that after 15 years of a strict vegetarian diet, his health could be seriously compromised. He is not getting enough nutrition and I know for the first week at least, he only ate fruit and water.

Bread and water are vegetarian, right? Fruit is an upgrade.

In his prisoner’s handbook it states you can request an additional blanket if you are cold. At home, Kevin could only sleep if he wore a hat, warm socks and extra blankets, he just gets very cold easily. To try and sleep he has been wrapping his sheet around his head, he only has one blanket. All his requests for an additional blanket at night were denied.

So he’s a pussy who wants the comforts of home in prison? Figures.

For the past two days he has been on suicide watch despite the fact he has shown no signs of wanting to harm himself. This suicide watch means he was put in an even smaller, colder cell. His sheet, t shirt, and socks have been taken away so all he has to wear is is prisoner scrubs (short sleeved) and one blanket. He is so cold he can’t sleep. He has a vent with cold air blowing on him constantly. His pictures of loved ones and letters of love and support have been taken away. The only book he is allowed is the bible and one other book. He has no clock or any way to track time passing. He can’t even have a piece of paper to write down his thoughts to prepare for his case.

Now is this any way to prevent someone from wanting to kill themselves? This seems more like torture to me than suicide prevention.

It sounds to me like they’re treating him like a prisoner. He’s getting his day in court and regular visits from his attorney. Those are his guarantees; the rest is just fluff to bitch about. It is a good thing they keep him in solitary, I’d kick his ass for bitching if he was my cellmate.

Anyway, I’ll keep an eye on these bozos and let you know when they break out howling again. In the meantime, if you have the stomach, check out the links and don’t feel bad about giggling at their ignorance.

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One Response to How Interesting

  1. Rivrdog says:

    In my last assignment for the Sheriff’s Office in Portland, I worked as an enforcement Deputy at the County Courthouse. My responsibilities there included facility and personal security, for the building and judges.

    The antiwar and eco-terrorists have essentially declared war on the judicial system, not in just individual cases, but generally. They speak through, and communicate through IndyMedia, which I used to read every day as a matter of professional interest and intelligence gathering, about the only kind permitted under the Oregon laws.

    During the run-up to and opening of hostilities against Saddam’s Iraq, the local antiwar movement went nutso, to put it mildly. Portland Police Intel was seconded off to the FBI, and couldn’t be of much help, so I had to do it all myself as to figuring out what threats were coming to my baliwick.

    If it hadn’t been for IndyMedia, I and the Sheriff would have been in the dark and serious problems would have resulted requiring large amounts of force to overcome.

    We were there “fustest with the mostest” every time.

    The BlackShirts never figured it out, and they haven’t to this day: loose lips sink ships.

    I can’t wait for the trials of the now-five eco-terror suspects to begin, because I’m fairly certain it will come out at trial that IndyMedia is where the Feds picked up the ELF trail.

    You heard it here first.

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