Done and Done

My spending on Christmas items is now over with. My only regret is that the info I wanted on the item I bought yesterday turned out to be inconsequential and I could have just ordered the damn thing. But nonetheless, I am now done.

I was out getting last minute gift cards yesterday and discovered that the Olive Garden chain of restaurants has a better stocked bar than their sister restaurant, Red Lobster. Not much better, but they actually stock two different brands of single malt scotch; the usual Glenlivet AND MacAllan 12.

I’m still in search of a local place that isn’t in downtown Seattle (have to pay the stadium tax there) that serves decent food and carries my personal favorite, Cragganmore, so that I might finish off a good meal with a good, heavy chocolate dessert and a neat glass of the Crag, but at least I now know that OG has a decent Speyside available (I can’t stomach the Glen since Seagram’s took over).

Speaking of Cragganmore, I know it is getting near Christmas because I bought my annual bottle of it yesterday as well. I’m not a big hard alcohol drinker, but when I want to treat myself, that is what I choose, and it usually lasts me until at least October because I don’t treat myself very often.

The other reason I don’t go buying much hard liquor is that the state of Washington has a monopoly on the sale of it and you have to go to their stores to buy it. Getting so directly taxed raises my bile level to almost uncontrollable amounts and I immediately come home and obliterate their tax stamp to help me forget the experience.

The main reason I didn’t show back up here yesterday because of my firearms maintenance habits. I came home from dealing with the general public at around noon and went back to bed for a couple hours. Upon waking, I did my weekly firearms dust inspection routine and discovered not one, but two specks of dust in the barrel of Barak, which meant he got the whole nine yards including a cleaning of the scope glass. By the time that was done, I decided to just wait until later to post.

And that is about from here. I’m working on a post about my view of “The War on Christmas� today along with some other stuff to hit you with this week.

Since Professor Booty has the topic backsides covered, I’ll leave you with this short video I’m finding hilarious at the moment.

Caution: probably NSFW (but it’s Sunday, so that shouldn’t be a problem) and it may leave you with an urge to buy some chocolate.

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One Response to Done and Done

  1. David says:

    That commercial IS hilarious! Now why don’t we see ads like that on cable in this country! It’s time, dammit!

    Back in 1988 or thereabouts I took an International Politics class at UC Berkeley where one of the topics was Japan, and of course we learned about some of the cultural differences. I remember one example was a two-to-five-minute short program that was carried on the main network at the dinner hour, called “Showertime.” An announcer voiced “SHOWA-TIME!” and a handheld camera wandered through an apartment to the shower, where it found a lovely lady showering and observed her in all her glory. That was it. This apparently was a regular program with a different girl each time, and it just popped up in between game shows, news programs, etc.

    We can learn much from our Japanese allies….

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