This is Typical

Kathryn Lopez of The Corner at NRO wrote about the Bolton nomination in her weekly syndicated column a while back. I didn’t read it, but I’m sure that it echoed my thoughts of support for Bolton and how the Dems were acting like spoiled children having to see the dentist about it, etc.

Well, she got a lot of mail about it. In fact she got a bunch of mail and this weekend she shared one of them.

The subject of ridicule here is from a person in Seattle who read Lopez’s column in the Times and it is quite typical of leftists in this town,

Oh, Yes, it seems to me, this John Bolton looks like a world-class JERK! He talks like a world-class BULLY! And he acts like a world-class FOOL!!!!!!!!! IF I have to use one word to describe John Bolton, in my very humble opinion, this guy is nothing but a piece of GABAGE!!!! And he’s nothing but A JACK-ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

He’s nothing but a world-class LOSER, a piece of JUNK and A JACK-ASS!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing more and nothing less!!!!

But obviously President Bush and his team LOVE LOSERS and JUNK!!!!!!!!! I know President Bush always feel very good about himself, but Since the Iraq WAR has been such a BLOOD MESS and A REAL DISASTER, and since President Bush’s job approval rating sank to his ALL TIME LOW in recent weeks , it seems to me , President Bush himself and his team are A LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What’s more — it seems to me , President Bush is more like the gabage collecter these days! That’s WHY he picked up that world-class JUNK John Bolton in the first place!!!!

I found this at Michelle Malkin’s blog. She used to call the font used by the Seattlite to type this letter ’15-point Left-Wing Freakout Script’ when she worked at the Times.

Sounds about right to me.

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One Response to This is Typical

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    When did Nancy Pelosi start writing to Michelle? 😉

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