So stupid it hurts

Joe Huffman finds an article from Philidelphia PA that is very, very frightening (subscription req’d).

“If you get caught carrying a gun, you should automatically do time. Mandatory. No trial. Just like when you get caught driving without a license.”

“It should be 25 years in prison, no questions asked, if you get caught with an illegal handgun,”

I am so completely stunned that people could be this ignorant and still have the motor skills to speak.

And remember, they consider themselves “The Reasonable Ones”.

Joe sums it up perfectly,

How sad. In Philadelphia of all places–where our constitution was written, debated, and presented to the individual states for ratification. The people there are practically begging for a police state.

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One Response to So stupid it hurts

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    Beyond being an idiot, the guy’s a know-nothing. You don’t go to jail for driving without a license. If you just left it at home you might get a minor ticket at best, and if you really don’t have a driver’s license there’s still no jail-time.

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