She’s right, you know

Karol at Alarming News makes an excellent point on the Shiavo controversy now that the deal is done.

So, what about the political implications of this whole situation?

My Democratic friends have been happily insinuating that the Terri case may permanently split the Republican party, between the religious conservatives and the small government libertarians. I don’t think that’s going to happen, at least not any time soon, and here’s why:

The ‘Right’ is the only side debating anything and this is no different. The last election saw us debating gay marriage, abortion, immigration, the war and a myriad of other issues and deciding how Bush fit into our personal equations, while Democrats did their best to pretend John Kerry was their dream candidate.

I saw a number of very pointed discussions on right wing websites in the last couple weeks. I saw nothing on the 18 or so left wing websites I visit daily other than “Those stupid Republicans�.

I am still in the midst of a couple of discussions on the Shiavo topic, one of them with the prolific blogger and RNS visitor George Schneider (aka Riverdog).

The main point I am trying to make here is that the left accuses the right of ‘Group Think’ because we generally support President Bush and the WoT. But they are wrong on that accusation because we actually discuss the topics.

The left does nothing but bash the President and play around in their echo chamber and may mercy be upon those who show even the slightest amount of dissent.

And that is what is called a political vegetative state. I think we can all remember what happened to the last vegetable the left put their mind towards.

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7 Responses to She’s right, you know

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    Good take on it at Althouse; 30 years after Karen Ann Quinlan got the “right to die” we finally have “the right to live.” That’s a reversal on the Liberal’s myopic and self-centered culture of death.

  2. Cybrludite says:

    And no mention of the split in the Democrats on the issue. Half of the Democrats who voted on the Schiavo bill in the House voted with the Republicans on the subject. Why no talk of “the impending split in the Democrat party”?

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