
So I wake up yesterday afternoon to find that no only have I screwed up the linkage to yesterday’s Soundboard tune, but that once I fix all that, my ISP is taking a big crap. I can’t go anywhere on the net save for my RNS functions, Google and the daily Kos.

Shortly after that the Analog Wife comes back from walking one of the dogs with the day’s mail in her hand. One of the parcels is from the IRS. We open it and find out that some chucklehead at the wife’s old employer reported paying her more than they told her they paid her on her 2003 W2 and the IRS wants another $523.

Thursday was looking to be sucking hard and I hadn’t even been awake for 30 minutes.

I hop in the shower to try and was this crap day away but that doesn’t work because I somehow manage to bounce the toothpaste cap off the sink counter and into the toilet bowl. So I get done with all that and go put on black Levis a black t-shirt that says “Evil Inside� in the form of the Intel swirl and a black sweatshirt over that.

As I gather up my shit for the night I walk past the CD rack and grab this album


Because I feel like it and go out and fire up the AnalogMobile.

I hit the road for my 15 minute commute with BiB playing at a measured 122db with 85% of the available wattage working and the rest standing in the wings and I don’t know what it is, but everyone is getting the hell out of my way. I swear I had to catch my trucks reflection in a tractor trailer I passed to make sure I hadn’t somehow picked up an Abrahms main gun and mounted it on my truck in my sleep. Even the street lights were working in my favor.

I pull into the parking lot and look at the clock to see that I have arrived early. You know your day is turning around when you’ve shortened your ETA and your ears are ringing.

So, to make up for screwing up yesterday’s tunage, I’m offering a two-fer today.

This is the song I hit the highway with yesterday

Shoot to Thrill

Hopefully it works for you like it did for me.

Speaking of me, I am taking this morning off to go talk to someone about a prospective job offer that I got earlier this week. If they’re willing to deal I might be moving away from the ‘Sanitation Engineer’ life. I must be getting slow or something, it took until April for someone to try and hire me away.

Anyway, yesterday’s tune is still available so, if I piqued your interest with the write up check it out now and let me know what you think.

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2 Responses to Quickie

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Bejus, talk about your momentous day!!!!

    And they planted a Pope also! With more heads of State in attendance than at Opening Day of the UN!

    Careful on that career change, dude. May be hard to go back, and you’re building a decent life on your earnings so far…

    Make sure you check for 401K rollover at the new place, if that doesn’t work, the IRS penalty on your TrashCo $$$ will make that little letter you just got seem like chump change.

    The AC-DC is superb, BTW.

  2. Cybrludite says:

    Gotta love Bollywood music. Good stuff!

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