It Must Be Saturday

I don’t have to work tonight and I have a strong premonition that I am going to be at the range for a while today.

You should go to the range today too.

But even if you don’t, there are a few things you should check out.

First up, the Carnival of Cordite #7 is up. I once again forgot to enter anything, but that is OK as I really didn’t write much firearms related stuff this week since the range was closed both days last weekend.

Next, Headmistress Sondra went shooting with her new 22. And she’s got pics too!

Also, the co-author of “Micheal Moore Is A Big Fat Stupid White Man� has his own 2A themed blog called “Arms and the Law�. Go take a look around. Blogrolling soon to follow.

And finally, fellow blogger and future Boomershoot participant, Kirk from “Fun Turns to Tragedyâ€? got asked 5 question viz a meme. I volunteered to be on his list of folks to ask questions of. Since I am a bit long winded, you can read Kirk’s questions and my answers below the fold.

I’ll be doing something very cool tomorrow that I will let you all in on later today.

1) As a self proclaimed “Sanitation Engineer” what is the worst part of the job?

The Government.

It used to be just a contract we bid on for a certain section/sections of the city/cities. Now, not only is it a contract, but it is standards and regulations. We have no trouble meeting them, but some of them are just ignorant. Add to that the new “Mandatory Recycling� laws and you have a complete mess. Also, the city now picks a dumpsite to give the contract to for the dumping of collected trash and yardwaste. All other dumpsites are priced out of being able to handle it by added taxes. Recyclables are free game. For now.

And that is just in residential pickups. The construction debris biz is now also heavily regulated with contracts as to who can pick up within city limits and prices set for fees and per ton charges.

The socialists on the city council have decided that companies being competitive is just a bad thing. That and during election cycles we have to fight the one dingbat who wants to turn all collection into a publicly owned operation, making more city employees. Every town or city that has done has seen their collection costs double. Yet they still try.

2) How much of the “By Ourselves, For Ourselves” series of articles have you actually implemented? And what won’t your wife let you implement?


I live in the burbs, so I’m not quite happy with the number of firearms I have for defense in that environment. I’m either too short range or too long range in my current collection. That is being corrected.

Also, my med kits have been depleted through common household use.

Oh, and the ‘Ourselves’ post I’ve been working on for a month or so now is on a topic that I am lacking in a little bit. But other than that I’m good to go.

3) (I am going to repeat question 3 from Ben’s questions.) How long have you been a Firearms enthusiast and what made you start procuring firearms?

All my life.

I grew up in a gun shop. I had lots of kewl toys as a kid and got to do some pretty kewl things. My wardrobe alond would have gotten me kicked out of most of the schools of today.

4) What do you see as drawbacks to living in the seattle area?

The Government.

They can’t do anything right. They put a new tax up for roads and they send the money into the general fund. They put up a levy for schools and they spend it on healthcare. The collect a settlement from the tobacco companies and they spend that on schools and roads. The citizens put a spending limit on them and they either vote that part if the initiative away or they create a new “pocket� that needs to be filled so that they can increase spending.

My second answer would be the Hippies, but they are almost as entertaining as they are annoying.

Other than that, it is a beautiful place with an excellent climate (FYI: in general, the only people who complain about the rain are transplants) and many opportunities.

5) Have you always been on the right side of the political spectrum or was there a defining moment that switched you from left to right?


For a few years I played around in the exact center, but that was so as to not scare off the girls. If you let them think you’re open to their side of the argument, the leftie grrrls open up nicely. Except for the ones who like to argue. You have to hold your ground for them.

But hey, what do I know, I played the middle and ended up with a centrist.

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One Response to It Must Be Saturday

  1. I’ve yet to answer my five questions, but your response brings to mind a notable quotable from a friend.

    About a year ago we were discussing misadventures with the fair sex and he brought up the point that:

    “It’s OK to be conservative, but if you’re in your 20’s or 30’s, you should act liberal. Liberal chicks put out; conservative chicks don’t unless they think you’re going to marry them.”

    Morality aside, I think you and the gentleman quoted, pretty much summarize the quandary squarely.



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