Iraq in pictures week: Day 1

Today at 1500, the Analog Wife’s parents will be touching down in Seattle for a weeks vacation. They’ll be staying with us for the duration of the week and tourist style adventures are planned for my non-work hours.

As you can probably guess, that will not leave me much time for blogging of any sort.

So this is the plan:

I have a collection approximately 50 photos or so from the Analog Wife’s brother, Everett’s, unit currently stationed at Camp Anaconda, Balad Air Base, Iraq. Because of the sheer number of pics I’ll be posting this week, most of them won’t be supersizable. But I don’t think anyone will mind if you snag them and upsize them your self.

I have chosen a number of them and categorized them so that I can quickly toss them onto the front page with some commentary/captions and get onto hanging with the in-laws. I figure, they don’t come out all that often and it is their son who is over there in the “hot-dusty-snady” fulfilling his duty, why not give them a week of my attention and you all a week of Everett.

Everyone wins!

Each day will cover a different aspect of life and times of Anaconda according to the 1/189th AVN BN personnel. So remember to stop by and take a looksee. I have sent an e-mail off to Everett to inform him of his unit’s starring role at RNS for the week, so hopefully, they’ll be stopping by.

Please feel free to leave comments on these posts so that I can forward them to the guys and gals of the 1/189.

So here we go with an intro,

Here’s Everett hard at work (or something), smiling on command as usual


Here’s the 1/189 AVN BN in full in front of one of their birds. I believe that is Everett in the second BDU cap from the right.


What is that, an official Montana DOT sign on the side of their Rec Building?


Why yes, it is!

DOT sign.JPG


Tomorrow we’ll see some pics of their trip to and their arrival from Kuwait to Anaconda.

See you here at that time.

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