Count Any Vote: Part Dvadtsat Chetyre

Part 24; Civil Right go out the Door!

They found another one, bringing the total number of unopened absentee ballots found five months after the election in King County to 94.

And remember, the election was decided by only 129 votes.

The precinct numbers on the ballots have been released, but the KCEO refuses to release the names of the individuals whose ballots were found stuffed into a box of envelopes to the public or even inform those individuals of their potential civil rights violations.

With the help of the release of the precinct numbers, it has been discovered that 86% of the ‘found’ ballots were from the 8th Congressional District, the most heavily Republican congressional district in the county, who recently elected former King County Sheriff, Dave Reichert.

We not only have King County council members calling for an independent DOJ investigation and for the resignation of KCEO director, Dean Logan, now we have former Washignton State Senator and September 11th Commission panel member, Slade Gorton saying King County “has the worst elections administration of any county in the United States of America.”

We also have an admission from the KCEO that their reports on the accounting for absentee ballots are utter and complete bullshit-made up-phony.

“The Mail Ballot Report, which showed every absentee ballot accounted for, didn’t report the correct number of ballots returned by voters. Instead, it simply added the number of ballots counted and the number rejected to show a perfectly matching number of ballots returned.”

And now we find that there may be at least one more ‘missing ballot’.

Local talk show host, Brian Suits of 570 KVI fame, recently returned from 12 months in Iraq where he directly helped establish and assist in the first Iraqi national elections, earning a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart in the process, recently found out that while the KCEO did receive his absentee ballot for the primary election, they never received his ballot for the general on November 2nd.

And it wasn’t because he didn’t get it in on time.

In both the primary and general elections, the ballot was mailed to his house where his new wife, a local peace officer, inserted it into an oversized manila envelope and mailed it to him in Iraq. He filled out the ballot, put it into another manila envelope and mailed it back to her. She then put it into its official ballot envelope and sent it off to the KCEO.

But they say they never got it.

I hope they start going through the rest of those boxes of envelopes soon. I have a sneaking suspicion it is in there somewhere.

Which once again, leaves me no other choice but to post these.



Good luck Brian. You helped bring not only initial freedom to an oppressed people, but then gave them a true hand up by helping them decide their own destiny through the one person-one vote process.

And for those of you not in the Sea/Tac/Oly area, you can listen live to the stream from 1900 to 2100 PST.

And you should. This guy is the best host on the whole damn station and that is no small feat.

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