Iraq in Pictures: Day 2

After staging and waiting for their gear to arrive in Kuwait, the 1/189 hit the road into over the border into Iraq. Most of their stuff had to go by road, but some folks got the ‘Express Ride’.

En Route.JPG

The skybound travelers stopped partway for refueling in Al Kut.

Refueling at Al Kut.JPG

Some of the former Iraqi Air Force aircraft were left intact by their former Iraqi flyers. Here are a couple of Soviet built Mi-24/Mi-25 Hind-D Assault helicopters still sitting on the tarmac.

Hinds at Al Kut.JPG

After getting back up in the air the flyboys did a flyover of the town of Balad


One of the previous occupants found off the side of the road into Camp Anaconda.

Previous Occupant2.JPG

It looks as though the guys and gals have put it to good use as a graffiti billboard/playtoy. Good for them.

Previous Occupant.JPG

Stop by tomorrow for some Chowhall Art and evidence of what happens when it actually rains over there.

See you then.

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