Back to the Range

Found some more 308 ammo so I’m heading back to the range for some more practice with the Boomershoot rifle this morning. I’m almost ready to make the trip in a couple weeks. I just need a few more accessories that’ll make spending 8-10 hours standing around in a field more comfortable. Other than that, all the stuff, including ammo, is either here or on the way (finally).

I’m going to assemble the shelter cover for my shooting area and get to finishing my shooting bench this evening if the weather here is Seattle stays decent. When I’m done with my bench, I’ll be sure to post some pics, so I can get some constructive criticism on its design and modifications.

I hope you enjoyed the music yesterday and if you missed it, scroll down abit and try them out, they’ll be there until tonight.

Oh, and for a followup to yesterday, the job thing sucked a big warty ass. I didn’t know whether to be insulted or laugh my ass off.

Eh, easy come easy go.

Have good day and get out the range, dammit!

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