Was that a bell ringing

Nope, it was this guy’s balls clanging together as he walked up the beach.

After almost 3,000 miles of rowing, bouts of seasickness, equipment failure and salt sores, Paul Ridley is back on land.

On day 88, Ridley, 25, completed his solo rowing trip across the Atlantic Ocean, becoming the youngest American ever to do so.

“I’m exhausted. Overwhelmed with all the excitement from my arrival,” Ridley told CNN.

“Physically feeling good but will be feeling a lot better when the soreness starts to heal and once that happens I will be back to fundraising because cancer research is still in need of funding, so we still have a lot of work to do.”


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2 Responses to Was that a bell ringing

  1. BadIdeaGuy says:

    That’s insane! He could’ve just gotten government funding for a grievance group and then had that group protest and lobby Congress for more .gov funding for research and grievance mongering…

  2. Myles says:

    Balls as big as channel markers…

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