This bug’s still kicking me where it hurts (ears and sinuses). Happily I’m now downing antibiotics and they seem to be helping. Boomershoot Pics of the Day will resume shortly.

In the meantime, amuse yourself with this sign of the times: ordinary folk hiring out as live-in security guards. Many selling points in this one, including that he’s strong as Chuck Norris, although being able to water ferns and plants is a bonus.

Good Lord I hope this is a joke.


the PROTECTOR livein guard – $150 (clinton twp)

Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-02-28, 3:05AM ESTthe protector live in guard,I’m fron Detroit an I can guard your home Or busines. I am strong .strong as Chuck norris. an I got what it takes $150 week plus room&board .my brother kiked me out but im movin back to the citry I can also water ferns&plants It’s like I’m comin strait atcha. .. No but I can do a good job though. I can warm up your car in the mornin an shovel snow,I used to for david all the time call586-339-[XXXX]- that’s wayne he knows how to get me ahold of. thankyou and good bless donnie

This entry was posted in Armageddon, Color me confused, Useful Idiots. Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Relapse and THE PROTECTOR

  1. jetfxr69 says:

    OK, that’s a Hi-Point carbine in his right, what’s the one in his left hand? (right side of picture)

  2. David says:

    Is it a 10-22? For taking care of any aphids on those ferns. 😛

  3. Linoge says:

    That would be my vote, David. And a boogerhook on the bangswitch, in both cases. I really want him to guard my crap…!

  4. Myles says:

    What’s with the coat?

  5. David says:

    Heh. That’s The PROTECTOR’s costume, of course!

  6. Petey says:

    Overheard on the Kitsap County Sheriff’s scanner:

    “All units be advised: Mickey found his guns again and he’s got a bottle of cold pills, he is to be considered armed and stupid.”

  7. Pingback: GunPundit » Blog Archive » ‘Strong as Chuck Norris’

  8. Dan says:

    Looks like a Mossberg 722 “Plinkster”. They were $79.99 at the local Wal-Mart (when they used to carry guns).

    Cast Receiver, Brazilian made barrel. Decent accuracy under 50 yards.

  9. Shootin' Buddy says:

    This is so terrible that I cannot look away!

    This is what would look like if it were run by the staff of Solider of Fortune.

    Shootin’ Buddy

  10. Kristopher says:

    A soldier of misfortune.

    For $150 a week, you too can have a paranoid tweaker who was kicked out of the trailer by Lurleen live in your basement with his Walmart gun collection.

  11. staghounds says:

    No, he was KIKED out. No more country club for him…

  12. Warthog says:

    I think someone forgot to tell this dweeb that all REAL superheros wear their underwear OVER their pants.

  13. John says:

    Holy gee whillikers, batman. It’s like I’m comin strait atcha. Wow.

  14. Mikee says:

    You are all missing the opportunity this person is trying to exploit. He wants to live in obscurity essentially beyond any official notice – no bills from the electric company or city water referencing his location, no tax trail, no rental lease. He is trying to become invisible.

    I would suspect he will be doing something nefarious from his secret basement lair soon after somebody hires him. Something like dealing drugs or scouting for his next child kidnapping victims would seem likely.

    My neck-hairs are telling me, “Stay away from this one.”

  15. Mason says:

    The other weapon is a 9mm Hi-Point Firearms semi automatic carbine rifle. Sad, very sad.

  16. john b says:

    God! If you really exist, keep that from breeding.

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