“Associated” with the incoming Executive Branch

That must be what the A in AP stands for now, after what an AP spokesman said of the hysterical frightmongering of Seth Borenstein’s Sunday article.

A spokesman for the Associated Press said that the news agency stands by its story. “It’s a news story, based on fact and the clearly expressed views of President-elect Barack Obama and others,” spokesman Paul Colford told FOXNews.com in an e-mail.

OK, it is a fact that the article followed the views of the incoming Obama administration. But it is far from fact that “time is running out to solve the climate crisis”.

There is no crisis.

If you haven’t swung through Tim Blair’s place in the past couple days he has cut and pasted some absolutely hilarious snippets from the watermelon’s down there.

Aussie PM, Kevin Rudd, announced the “carbon cutting goal” Australia is supposed to meet by 2020 and they weren’t happy about it.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says Australia will cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 5 per cent of 2000 levels by 2020, but could make a cut of up to 15 per cent if other countries also sign up to stronger reductions.

The eco-socialists were hoping for ten-times that. They showed their unappreciative nature by commenting on the story in the ABC comments section, as well as the Sydney Morning Herald.

If you’re down in the dumps today, those will perk you right back up.

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2 Responses to “Associated” with the incoming Executive Branch

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Here’s a new Curch of HGW attack, carefully crafted as “science”

    Despite excellent evidence (Irridium dispersion) to prove the dinosaurs were killed off in an asteroid strike, most likely in the Yucatan, a new “theory” of their extinction has erupted.

    Extinction by Global Warming!

    The “theory” says that the dinosaurs were killed off by a supervolcano erupting about where Mumbai is on the India sub-continent, creating huge lava flows which emitted incredible quantities of greenhouse gasses, plus poisonous gasses.

    The story was on Fox News in the 7-8am slot, and they interviewed some Professor who rambled on about it for 5 minutes, carefully injecting “global warming” at the the end of his presentation, and leaving us with “global warming kills” as the lesson to be learned.

    OK, no PhD here, but just how much nastygas was vented by said volcano? Science REQUIRES specific statements of quantity here. Since the dinosaurs DO seem to have been killed all at once everywhere 65 million years ago, just how did this supposed atmospheric change (of what strength and type?) do this extinction all at once, since the circulation of wind patterns as we know them won’t do anything on a global scale very quickly.

    I might post on this at my site.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    OK, some research later, I think I can wrap this up.

    Search on “Deccan Traps Vulcanism” (Deccan Traps is the Indian lava flow in question), and you come up with a name: Dewey McLean.

    Dewey McLean was apparently a research anthropologist who strayed a bit from his original line of research, publishing this paper in 1991:


    Quickly scanning the paper, it seems that he seeks to explain disruptions in the cycles of mamallian fertility, but somehow strays over to dinosaurs (which were not mammals, and their reproductive cycles worked in a totally different way).

    This dinosaur-extinction business has been rattling around the higher-ed establishment, providing fun but obscure diversions for over-degreed fools, for over 300 years, it seems.

    Dewey McLean wasn’t originally one of these obscure savants, but somehow, his mamallian theories have made the un-scientific leap to the amphibian animal classes, and now BACK to mammals.

    The only things proven here are the power of search engines, and the unlimited chicanery of the educated mind, in this case to act as slaves for political tyrants.

    Other intelligent people have provided us with solutions to these pseudo-scientific absurdities, however.

    The works of the famous Mechanical Engineer of the last century, John Moses Browning, come to mind.

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