Him: Insolent

Me: Howling with laughter

John Aravosis, of the inappropriately named Americablog, gets all whiny about his health insurance provider

Yes, the cost of covering me has gotten so expensive that BlueCross felt compelled to up my premium by a whopping 23%, according to the letter I just got from them. Funny, since I found out last week that they haven’t upped my prescription benefit cap in 12 years – it’s still at the 1997 level of $1500, which means they’ve actually cut my prescription benefits by about 25% over that period (since drug prices, and inflation, keep going up while my benefits stay the same) while nearly tripling my premiums. And now I get a whopping 23% increase in one year to my insurance premium. I’m paying $417 a month, the best self-employed plan that CareFirst offers, and these bastards cut off my prescription drugs two months ago. I had readers offering to buy me drugs in Mexico. What country do we even live in anymore? These people are thieves. So help me God, Obama and the spineless wonders we call Democrats on the Hill had better fix this.

So, let us do the math:

He pays $5004 per year for “The Best” plan offered (or, if the 23% increase comes after the stated amount, he pays $6154.92 @ $512.91 per month).

For this, he gets multiple prescriptions and doctor visits for his “conditions”.

I don’t know if he reads his doctor’s billing statements before they get sent off to the insurer, but if he did, he’d see that if he was paying for this himself he’d either be breaking even here, or more likely, saving at least $1000 per year.

Does this guy even understand how health insurance premiums work? I mean, I’m sure he is one of those who believes that health care is a right and all, but c’mon. No one can be this inept, can they?

How can he just sit there and whine into his blog and not talk about how he is searching for a new provider?

Oh, right. He’s a Democrat. He wants things handed to him.

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One Response to Him: Insolent

  1. Kyle says:

    Oooh. Gotta share this.

    Yes, it sucks how premiums are spiraling out of control, and everything costs so much… gee, how much does Da Gummint have to do with it?

    Here’s a clue. If Obama and the Dems “do anything” about it, they will screw him WORSE and hand the rest to someone else. Because he can pay it.


    I know a guy who supports socialized medicine because he has medicine for his “condition” that costs him $500 a month.

    He and his wife together make something like $180k a year.

    And he is begrudging paying for something that I think is unnecessary, but he thinks it’s necessary… and wants the government to come and make his life cheaper.

    The government will pound him rimless given the chance. But no. He wants to save… $6k a year.

    Pure awesome.

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