RNS Quote of the Day: 09/03/08

You all saw this yesterday. I’m just saving it here for posterity.

If McCain wins, look for a full-fledged race and class war, fueled by a deflated and depressed country, soaring crime, homelessness – and hopelessness!

Fatimah Ali – Philadelphia Enquirer

Reach to my left. Pick up PRT-91.

Insert magazine.

Grasp cocking lever and pull back.


OK, Ms. Ali. I’m ready whenever you are.

Apparently, she missed my last post from yesterday.

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13 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 09/03/08

  1. Rivrdog says:

    You can get a lot of work done with that PRT-91 in the environment you referred to, but I think I could stay up with you with the Mossberg Persuader 20″ 12-ga, which can be stoked with 8 rounds at a time.

    There’s something about a 12-ga which magnifies the feeling of “shouldn’t have done that” into “OMG, it’ll cut me in half”.

    And then there’s a HUGE mess to clean up. Oh, well. You’re a surgeon, I guess that makes me a meat cutter.

  2. DFWMTX says:

    Someone wishing for a class war just shows how envious and hate-filled they are towards the prosperous. Someone wishing for a race war just shows how much they hate other races. Does Ms. Fatimah Ali not realize her hopes for a race war are also shared by Charles Manson, the KKK, the Aryan Brotherhood, etc? Not the best company to keep.

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    When they talk about a class-war, I really wonder if it is simply a wish or the statement of a plan unfolding, that they do intend to start it up like that. They are visibly unhinged and have a demonstrated tendency for violence. “Mein Kampf” was ridiculed as a book, but it was really his plans laid-out for everyone to see, and plans that he went ahead and followed.

  4. Neutral says:

    Why do gun-toting rednecks act so tough when it’s obvious they need those guns because they’re frightened little pussies?

    You pee your pants a little every time you go near an urban area don’t you.

  5. DFWMTX says:

    Why do non-gun-touting progressives act so tough when it’s obvious they need to hide behind annonymous Internet postings because they’re frightened little pussies?

    You pee your pants a lot every time you go near a rural area, don’t you? Afraid the rednecks are going to make you squeal like a pig?

  6. Neutral says:

    That’s the best you can do?

    I live in a rural area and can handle a gun pretty well, though I don’t feel the need to own one.

  7. DFWMTX says:

    How many of your rural redneck friends have you called “frightened little pussies” for owning guns?

  8. DFWMTX says:

    PS – what do you do when someone threatens you with violence if you don’t give them what they want?

  9. Phil says:

    Why can’t some anonymous asshole rub two brain cells together so that he can notice that he’s being called a racist (or potential racist) who deserves to die for not voting “The Right Way” by some hyper-twit in Phlladelphia?

    Also, why then must he use my forum to show his idiocy?

    Not acting tough. Responding to a threat with proper, and might I add, restrained measures. If you hadn’t noticed, we’ve been threatened.

    But a fucking idiot cunt. But it was a threat.

  10. Neutral says:

    I didn’t originally bother to read the linked article but have now.

    Just as I expected the out of context quote about a race war and comments like being called a racist (or potential racist) who deserves to die for not voting “The Right Way” are completely dishonest and twisted.

    What about the line that directly follows your quote: Plenty of Americans would rather stay in their dream state than to recognize the poverty sweeping across the country, right here, right now.

    Ms. Ali doesn’t want to see a class war, and she recognizes that ignoring the widening gap between rich and poor, as John McCain would, will not help us avoid one.

    The sad thing is, most of y’all are likely not part of any rich elite, yet you choose that side of the fight because you wish you were, or because you’ve been tricked into thinking it’s about racism or guns or gays instead of choosing the side that would fight for your economic interests.

    That’s what the article was about.

    And what’s with the “anonymous” shit? Is there a way to post that isn’t anonymous? Keep working that misdirection.

  11. Phil says:

    So now we’re just stupid for not “voting the right way”?

    Not so “neutral” in reality, are you?

    No, I’m not part of the “rich elite”, but I plan to be some day. That is why I don’t vote Democrat. That party stands for mediocrity and failure. They want my vote so that they can enslave someone to pay my way through life.

    You do understand the concept of slavery, right: Taking from the productive, with the threat of violence, to give their reward to those who are able to be productive but choose not to be or think they cannot be.

    The Democrat Party has been telling people they’re not good enough, not smart enough, and gosh darn it, people don’t like them enough to ever be successful for almost 50 years. Sadly, nearly 50% of the American public takes this abuse to heart.

    Ms. Ali should know better than to mention class/race war if she does not want to see one.

    If a similarly right wing writer would have said that there would be a race war if Obama wins, what would you see the reaction of the left being (after the laughter died down, of course)?

    Sorry “neutral” person, but with your last response, it is obvious that I cut too close to the bone. Your attempt to distract with the “Plenty” example shows that. Ali is calling people stupid, and then you follow up with your own accusation.

    Either shape up or ship out.

    And get a new name to post under. You are anything but “neutral”.

  12. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I don’t pee my pants when I go through urban areas (every day), but I do wonder why there are so many able-bodied persons lounging about in the middle of the workday? Notably, this is not far from Ms. Ali’s Filthadelphia.

    There aren’t a lot of shift jobs where I live, but there is a lot of good-paying construction work. So much that they’re having to hire people from other countries to do it… They’re practically begging for warm bodies to be there from 7 to 3. Every restaurant is hiring, every retail store is hiring, but they can’t fill their jobs.

    So pardon me if I’m mad as hell when I’m told that “there’s going to be a full-fledged race and class war” if I don’t vote for someone who’s working to make their lounge of life more comfortable at my expense.

    I’m not wealthy, and maybe I won’t ever be, but if one of my wacky ideas and hard work pays off enough to net me great wealth, I sure as hell don’t want some organizer taking 60% off the top.

    Barry already voted to raise the taxes of anyone making a household income of $65,000 or more. That’s not “the rich”. And it’s certainly not in MY economic interest.

    I work for people who make more money than I do. They work their asses off to maintain a prosperous business. Because their business is prospering, they created my position. If they have to hunker down to pay confiscatory taxes, do you think they’ll create more new positions? I don’t even know if mine will survive.

    I’ll say it here and gladly say it to anyone who wants to tax people who actually pay taxes more: fuck off.

  13. “Plenty of Americans would rather stay in their dream state than to recognize the poverty sweeping across the country, right here, right now.

    Ms. Ali doesn’t want to see a class war, and she recognizes that ignoring the widening gap between rich and poor, as John McCain would, will not help us avoid one.”

    Spoken, or more precisely, written, as though it is fact, which it is most assuredly NOT.

    Neutral, here’s a nickel’s worth of free advice;


    While you’re at it, quit blaming other people for your perceived inequities of the world. Only undeveloped, child-like minds think in such terms as you, and Ms. Ali, have affirmed. In short, grow up.

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