RNS Quote of the Day: 09/02/08

With a twist.

I want you to guess at who said it.

I also want you to tell me what it means to you.

You can find it easily enough with Google-Fu, but think about and answer those two questions before you go ruining it for yourself, mmm-kay?

Here you go

If simple folks are free from care and fear, simple they will be.


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5 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 09/02/08

  1. Merle says:

    It sounds like something Ben Franklin would say.

    It means “no stress, no character” to me!

  2. Malagate says:

    Gandalf, or someone of that ilk. Speaking of those crafty hobbits,

  3. BadIdeaGuy says:

    I had to cheat because I recognized it and it was bothering me…

    I could see it going two ways, one being the “Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”

    The other way I could see it is that people remain simple from not going through real trials. Kind of like if you received enough food, housing, and cash from the government that you don’t have to do anything else. So you’ll never starve but will never thrive.

  4. alex. says:

    I believe it was Gandalf, speaking with Aragorn about the hobbits. I reckon it takes fire to temper steel.

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