They’re a little late

Doncha think?

A week and a half ago, the CATO Institute released a story about 450 highly respected economists, a list including several Nobel Laureates, who support the option of private Social Security accounts.

Thanks CATO, we could have used that list around, oh, fucking March!

Anytime this subject comes up, either on left winger websites or on looney left wing radio, I have to listen to some geriatric, cornholing, econo-socialist whose name I can’t remember right now because I’m so pissed off, talk about how “Bush is a foolâ€? and “It’ll bankrupt the who SSI/Medicare systemâ€?.

And of course the lefties worship the feces this guy drops in his adult diaper, even though 90% of them don’t know cash from credit when it comes to national economics.

Thanks for trying CATO, maybe we can use it next year.

Found at 4RWWs

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