Count Any Vote: Part Dvadtsat Shest

Whoop! There it is!

I am still not feeling too well, but I couldn’t stay away after getting this news yesterday:

Election manager linked to false report

King County’s absentee-ballot supervisor has testified that she collaborated with her boss when she filled out a report that falsely showed all ballots were accounted for in the November election.

Nicole Way said in a deposition Friday that she and assistant elections superintendent Garth Fell agreed to the misleading report because officials didn’t know how many absentee ballots were returned by voters.

Way is the first employee to link an upper-level manager with a practice that failed to meet state ballot-auditing regulations.

The regulations require counties to reconcile the number of absentee ballots returned by voters with the number of ballots accepted or rejected. Way’s report showed perfect reconciliation because it simply added the number accepted and rejected to calculate ballots returned.

Elections officials now acknowledge that dozens of absentee ballots were misplaced and the votes not tabulated during the November election. The ballots were never counted as accepted or rejected.

I’m no legal eagle, but it sounds to me like King County offered up fraudlent results to the Secretary of State to be certified and that more than one person knew of the fraud.

Con-spir-acy to defraud.

King County’s results need to be thrown out of the election total. I think we all know what result that would yield.

I’m sure that you all have heard the saying “Better to let everyone think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them correct.”

King County, upon discovery of the knowledge that they could not produce an actual count number should have submitted and answer of ‘No Results’ and begged for a do over. Instead, they faked the numbers and hoped no one would notice.

Next week is going to prove very interesting indeed.

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