Blind or Hypocrite?

You make the call.

If you stopped by Michelle Malkin’s blog yesterday, you probably saw her Errata for her book ‘In Defense of Internment’.

So did a number of left wing bloggers.

Here is the jist; she included someone else’s faulty research in her book. She did not know at the time that it was faulty and as soon as the researcher retracted his claim, she did the same. Which is what yesterday’s Errata was all about.

But that is not good enough for the left. To them, now that they have found one fault in the book, the whole book is faulty.

And here we get to the question:

Dan Rather uses fake documents to try and sabotage the Bush re-election run of 2004.

Once the documents are shown to be fake, the entire left wing jumps up and says “But the story is accurate!�

The media goes out and gets two of the persons of the Bush TANG era to say that they either helped Bush get into the TANG or that the commanding officer thought Bush was a screw up jerk who couldn’t be touched by said commanding officer. The one turns out to be a Kerry contributor and fundraiser who wasn’t in the position to help Bush get into the TANG at the time he says he was and the other is a Kerry supporter who had changed her story about Bush from less than two weeks previous.

But the left once again comes out with “Fake But Accurate� diatribe.

Just last week, Newsweek publishes a story with an inflammatory tale about US interrogators at Guantanamo Bay flushing pages of the Koran down the toilet. This information is from a single “anonymous source� and cannot be verified, but yet sounds strangely similar to a myth spread by the America hating Imams in the middle east, the same ones who tell their followers that the night vision goggles used by US troops are actually x-ray goggles so that the soldiers can look at Iraqi women naked and that all Americans have syphilis.

And once again, the left wing comes out with the “You know it really did happen/Fake But Accurate� line.

Is the left wing either a group of hypocrites or they are blind?

Now, I didn’t write this up to defend Michelle Malkin. First off, she doesn’t need to be defended. She found a mistake and is taking measures to correct them. Secondly, I’m damn sure positive that she could do the job of defending herself all by her lonesome.

I’m spending time writing this because I just cannot believe the arrogance of the left, holding themselves to lesser standards than others, and needed to write this out as a sort of therapy. I’m thinking that they do this because they believe they should be treated better than others, but I’m not sure and am asking you to follow the links and see if you can figure it out. Please, no calls about mental retardation or disease as I’ve ruled those out already.

Atrios of Eschaton: “Michelle Maglalang fucks up. I know, we’re all shocked.â€?

Eric of Is That Legal: “Nine Months Later, Michelle Malkin Retracts and Apologizes�

Dave Neiwert of Orcinus: “Malkin on a roll�

These three guys are absolutely positive that Bush went AWOL and that the Koran was flushed, but was there even a plausible reason in 1942 for the wholesale internment of Americans of Japanese decent? While I would hate to say yes, FDR’s administration signed off on it and I don’t think it was the threat of spilled teriyaki sauce.

But to them, Malkin’s book was a pile of lies and now they have proof! No “Fake But Accurate� allowance for her.

Atrios, you are a demagogue. Go home, sit down in front of your PC and proceed to put your head through the CRT. Your sycophants will cry for a little while, but then they’ll start blaming Bush for your death. That’ll probably make it worth it for you.

Eric, give it up. You have very little to hang your hat on here, but that is how your life goes. When you hold yourself up to the same standard of retract and apologize, come back for a modicum of respect.

Neiwert. Poor Dave, you spend vast quantities of your time whining about racists at your site, but you don’t dare to lift up the doormat.

First comment of the Malkin correction post made by “keith� :

Well, I thought some of you might enjoy reading the letter I sent Michelle Malkin:

Dear Ms. Malkin:

First I would like to tell you that your face is asymmetrical. Assuming that you aren’t yet old enough to have survived your first stroke (a la Ronald Reagan) this is indicative of a serious psychological disorder (see Katie Couric). That notwithstanding, OH, ME SO HORNY! OH ME SO HORNY! OH, ME SO HORNY! ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME!

Yeah sure Dave, you and some of your readers told him to knock it off but you neglect to ever mention that your side of the argument contains folks like this guy, as can be witnessed at Eric’s place,

Tommy Pain: “This is what happens when you send a yellow woman to do a white man’s job�

And at Atrois’s place,

Trading on her looks and minortiy status – how long will that carry her?
Holden Caulfield | Email | Homepage | 05.18.05 – 11:29 am | #

looks,feh…she d fit right in a middle class johns brothel…no class there, and if she oppened her yap, they would want a refund (smile)
sittenpretty | Email | Homepage | 05.18.05 – 11:49 am | #

As long as Fuxs News is around she’ll have somewhere to screech. They love those Dragon Lady looks and that Valley Girl voice.

As for her mind? Fuck, she wouldn’t be on Fuxs if she had one!
Big Daddy Mars | Email | Homepage | 05.18.05 – 11:35 am | #

Yeah, but Annie the Trany and Guckert though she was suppose to be bussin’ tables and ignored her.
Big Daddy Mars

Wrong color.

They thought she was there for the manicures.
Yoshimi | Email | Homepage | 05.18.05 – 11:26 am | #

They thought she was there for the manicures. – Yoshimi

or the massages.
bo | Email | Homepage | 05.18.05 – 11:28 am | #

Just thought you might like to know what a fine crop of racists you folks are growing on your side of the fence, Dave.

Before you yell from the roof tops about “Right Wing Racists� maybe you should turn around and look to see the racists sitting on the left wing.

But oh well, the left doesn’t care about equality. They just like to hold onto that empty gesture so they can issue moral indignation at their leisure.

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