Welcome to Government Time

At least that is what I have been told it is called.

I always thought ‘Government Time’ was starting your day 20 minutes late, working for an hour then taking a three hour lunch, coming back and working for a half hour and then claiming to have an upset stomach and going home sick.

But that might just be my prejudice against the institution itself.

Either way, I hope your loss of an hour last night didn’t cause any of you to wake up grumpy, because this will just straight up piss you off.

“Michelle Maklin: Suspended Somewhere Between Meltdown and Total Hysteria�

I guess the left is completely out of any ideas and has worked their way into the “You’re a Poopy Head� stage. Oh well, at least it’ll still be fun to watch them lose again.

OK, I’m sorry if I made your morning uncomfortable.

Here, I’ll give you something to make you laugh,

Timebucks: Trade Your Time

Are you a hippie or other left wing loser? Do you hate to have to pay for services like car repairs or getting your house painted? Come on over to Timebucks and meet other losers who do to!

The basic premise is this (from Evergreen Politics): “Timebucks is a directory of people seeking to exchange their hobbies and skills with each other to meet new people, reach out to their community and support a more egalitarian economic model.�

“Essentially, you offer a skill – in my case, I’ve offered to help advise people starting non-profits, then others request your help. Once you’ve shared your time, they deposit Timebucks in your account e.g. usually $15 Timebucks per hour. Then, you can use your new Timebucks to trade for time from someone with a skill you need e.g. guitar lessons or pet sitting.â€?

Aww. How cute! They’ve given each other a ‘living wage’ and everything!

I don’t know how much I would like to trade my vehicle repair skills at the same hourly rate as pet sitting. Changing out a starter is a bit more difficult and dangerous than picking up dog shit.

I like the premise, but the ‘social’ aspect of it sets my nerves on end. What ever happened to the idea of “Doing a favor for a friend�?

Although, I am halfway tempted to see how long my offer of “Firearms Safety Instruction� would last on the board.

Speaking of firearms, I was able to get out to the range yesterday before having to meet up with Mr. Sandman. While I didn’t get to practice with the Boomershoot rifle, I did get a lot of other work done.

(click for bigger)

I got the new Leapers 6x scope mounted onto the Bushmaster and sighted in.

And if you look at the benchrest and at the rear of the rifle you’ll also see that I got my shooting bags properly filled.

Today, I’ll be heading up to Coupeville on Whidby Island and meeting RNS reader Mike to shoot some of those dastardly Bowling Pins. I will have pics and a full report tomorrow. That is, unless the ferryboat I have to take to get to and from the island sinks.

If you didn’t make it out to the range yesterday, try and do it today. Every weekend that you don’t spend shooting, Vulcan weeps.

And I hate to see a grown deity cry.

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2 Responses to Welcome to Government Time

  1. Hmmmm….”TimeBucks”. Everything old is new again. That’s just the barter economy with a new dress on.

    The Left is supposed to be the Friend of Big Government, which, of course, doesn’t like the Barter Economy, because it is a vehicle for avoiding taxes.

    Strange to see these lefties go against their Government…

  2. …and they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so I guess that Mamzell Malkin won’t be too mad. Someone DID go to a lot of trouble with that spoofy site, though.

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