
As I said yesterday, I was getting called out to numerous modelling emergencies these last couple weeks.

The story I’m featuring today was much more than anticipated and took much longer than I originally though.

When dealing with models and their problems, you have to use different tactics. Basically, they don’t think like the rest of us. In general, they don’t care if they live or die, unless they’re going to be forced to give up their wardrobe, then they’d rather just die. Putting them in dangerous situations such as dealing with killing machine animals (crocodiles, tigers, etc) doesn’t really phase them because they can’t really think about much more than themselves and this keeps them from adding just what the animal could do to them into the equation.

Also, logic, such as 2+2=4 or “plane with no engine = crash” just doesn’t work.

Which is what led to our sad tale for today,


This poor girl was in the middle of a shoot when someone made the mistake of asking her “what does blue taste like?�

Locked her up in that position for 18 hours.

When I was finally able to get her snapped out of it, she piped up with “Taffy!�

I guess that is what ‘blue’ tastes like.

See you all next weekend. I’ll have a surprise that doesn’t involve a picture.

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2 Responses to Overload

  1. Cybrludite says:

    Dude! You sure that pic’s legal?

  2. AnalogKid says:

    I most certainly am. Why do you ask?

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