
I had let the dogs out to do their business this morning and was standing on the porch watching to make sure that the littlest one (Jake, the French Dachsund) didn’t wander on out into the street when I saw a Bald Eagle fly just above power pole level and light in a tree across the street from my house.

Needless to say, I seriously contemplated bringing my camera outside with me on my next trip outside.

I am hoping that it doesn’t rain or get too frigid tonight. I want to be able to hang around outside and see if the eagle sticks around. If he does, he and the resident owls might be having a pissing contest. I witnessed an owl versus Golden Eagle fight a few years back and their aerial artistry was quite impressive.

And for those who think that watching avatars go at it is disgusting and/or bloodthirsty (I talking to you, enviro-weenies) remember, it is natural for them to do so.

Hence, I’m watching nature.

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