No Worries

As you probably already know, Captain Ed is kicking ass and taking names on the subject of the AdScam scandal currently going on up north in Canada.

Now, I tried to log into CQ before going to work yesterday to get the new info/update on the happenings, but A. it took forever for the page to load through my cable modem and B. I got two DNS screens before I was even able to get that.

I was worried about the possibility that the Canucks may have gotten to CQ’s server, host or some other link in the web page chain and shut him down.

Apparently, so were some Canadians.

But no worries as everything seems to be fine now and it may have just been the sheer number of people visiting to get the updates that did the deed.

Keep on keeping on Cap’n. We’ll be reading as long as you keep sending them home to momma in little boxes. Metaphorically, of course.

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