Iraq in Pictures: Day 6

I told Everett to stay safe and sound and his feet on the ground, but you just can’t keep a guy pinned down like that when the opportunity to hit the sky arises. I don’t know that he took any or all of these, but I do know he has been out and about with the fellas.

Heading home from Mosul

outside Mosul.jpg

Baghdad at 500ft


Baghdad a little closer

Baghdad east.JPG


They’re rebuilding the big mosque in Baghdad as of late.

rebuilding  mosque.JPG

And you can’t call a trip to Baghdad complete until you see some of Saddam’s Crossed Swords

Saddams swords.jpg

Last but not least, here’s a pic of Abu Ghraib from 150ft


Tomorrow we’ll close out this series with pics of a couple of aircraft in use by the new Iraqi Air Force.

See you then.

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