Iraq in Pictures: Day 5

As it is widely understood, aircraft in general are very maintenance heavy. Helicopters in particular need a minimum of one hour of maintenance of every flight hour. And we’re not talking man hours here, we’re talking on average 3 to 5 guys wrenching for an hour for every hour of flight time. As you’ll see today, the maintenance crews work 24 hours a day to keep these birds in the air.

Replacing a sandblasted windscreen

New Windscreen.JPG

Fluid change

Engine Work.JPG

Tail rotor gear lubrication

Rotor work Tail.JPG

New rotor heads

New Rotor Head.JPG

And last but not least, some new rotors getting craned in from Shim and Sham’s.

New Rotor2.JPG

And for those who liked yesterday’s scenic pics, a rotor installation at sunrise.

installing main rotor at sunride.JPG

For those who can stop by tomorrow, it’ll be “Arial Photograph Day�.

See you then.

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