
Eugenics rears its ugly head.

Hal Herzog:

Here are the facts. According to a 2002 report in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, the frequency of persistent vegetative state in the United States is 64 to 140 per million people. Thus, somewhere between 538 and 1,176 North Carolinians are probably afflicted with this condition. At a cost of about $80,000 a year per person, this translates to an annual financial burden to the North Carolina health-care system of $43 million to $94 million – enough to hire between 1,500 and 3,500 additional public school teachers.

A European politician ran for national office on a platform that offered to create a socialized medicine program to cover every citizen. After he was elected, he followed through on his promise and every citizen was able to go to the doctor at no direct cost to them.

Shortly thereafter, the Eugenics crowd got his ear. People with both mental and physical disabilities were judged not by their viability or survivability, but by their benefit to society. Palsy sufferers, Down Syndrome, paraplegics and quadriplegics and those with mental illnesses were all killed for their disabilities in a variety of methods.

The government had deemed their lives as to not being fruitful enough to equal the costs to sustain their lives and regarded the expenditures as a waste which could be better spent by the government to benefit more of the citizenry.

And this government needed the money badly. The country was Germany. The politician was Adolph Hitler.

Thanks for the reminder about how sick Socialist Democrats can be, Hal. Now go fuck yourself.

Found at the Opinion Journal via DANEgerus

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