Construction Time and Other Items

I’ll be taking this morning and spending some time building my Boomershoot shooting bench. I’ve got the majority of the raw materials so I’ll get it framed up and so close to done that 10 minutes of finish work will complete it.

Next week will be quite special and I will inform you of my plans tomorrow in the top post.

For today though, I want to show you something I found that I thought was cool.

A month or so ago I got my vehicle tab expiration notice that signifies I am about to get ripped off to register my truck with the state. We have mandatory emissions testing here and even though they say you only have to submit to the test every two years, I was made to take the test three years in a row due to the WSDOL (Washington State Dept of Licensing) screwing up. Let’s just say that I have learned to keep the receipt of my previous test so that I won’t have to go through that debacle again.

Anyway, the expiration notice is normally green in color, but this one was “blood bruise purple” so I knew there was going to be some sort of special fee that they were going to try to squeeze out of me this year.

And I was right.

I get to the licensing office to find that my current license plate is being retired and I have to pay for new ones.

No, I didn’t wear the old plates out, nor did I damage or destroy them. The state seems to think that after eight years of the super-intense Washington sunshine (yeah, right!) that the reflectivity of the plates has worn out enough that they require replacing.

I’m pretty sure it is just a scam to cycle people’s plates and money through their offices myself, but there is no fighting the swapping requirement.

Or so I thought.

I was doing some research at the DOL’s website to try and get out of it and found a new Commemorative Plate they came out with this year.

LEM plate.JPG

The Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation Commemorative License Plate.

I don’t have to pay the special $25 swap-out fee if I get these and I get to donate $40 of my license fees this time around to the foundation.

Oh, and I never have to swap them out again!

Fuckin’ A!

Imagine, No Tickets (unless you are doing something truly egregious or stupid)

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  1. Pingback: Random Nuclear Strikes » Well that settles it then

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