Burgle Burgle

Sandy Berger is probably going to get a much lighter sentence than anyone else on the planet would for the same offence.

I think that part of his sentence should include a ban on him purchasing/owning/wearing cargo pants.

Maybe the folks at the National Archives should take a tip from the County Recorder’s Office in Geneva, Illinois

Recorder’s office calls police over forbidden seat
A cold war between the county recorder and professional title searchers got a little hotter Tuesday, when an unauthorized stool warranted a visit by the police.

Title searchers Jerry Bannister and David Lynch were escorted out of the Kane County Recorder’s Office on Tuesday by sheriff’s police after Bannister brought a stool from home.

Bannister said he and Lynch, who did not bring a chair but argued with police on Bannister’s behalf, were told that if they brought their own chairs, they could face disorderly conduct charges.

Now that is truly anal. Efficient, but anal.

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One Response to Burgle Burgle

  1. DirtCrashr says:

    Was it a padded stool that you could slip something into, between the naugahyde cover and the upholstery padding? 🙂

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