Since other gunbloggers are noting blogiversaries, I’ll observe that it’s been exactly 7 years, 7 months since the proprietor, a real-life Henry Bowman in several respects, introduced me to blogging and graciously allowed me to make my first post hereabouts (and no, I’m not going to link to it) despite my comparatively minuscule firearms knowledge and general inexperience.
Many, many, thanks, Phil!
Incidentally, I always wondered why one would choose a VFG over an AFG. Thanks to Phil’s example below, it’s now all clear to me.
One may click to embiggen. 😉
Jeez! Sorry I missed yesterday!
Regardless, Happy Belated Blogoversary (however one spells it)!
Does the cigarette help with aiming? Inquiring minds want to know! 😀
I doubt it, Dave. I hit what I was aiming at though. Repeatedly.