And why shouldn’t they?

So AZ just passed a bill in record time that would limit the ability of the Westboro Batshit Church to protest the funerals of the people killed in Tucson, and I for one am aghast at this attempt to prevent an organization from dancing in the blood of these victims. I mean, every other mouthpiece, from the Sheriff on up, who could get some airtime has been spinning this to their political advantage, why can’t the crazies from Kansas?

(PS for the satirically challenged, I’m actually OK with the law. The 1st amendment guarantees you won’t go to jail for what you say, it does not, however, guarantee you a platform of your choosing)

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3 Responses to And why shouldn’t they?

  1. I’m against this bill, and I’m not being satirical. While their message is despicable, they have a right to voice it. Should they be able to invade the actual funeral itself? No, but if they want to stand out on the street across from the church, or line the route to the cemetery, then that is their right.

    And, just like in a number of other places (my state for one), others have the right to gather at the same time and drown their sorry asses out. Remember, the antidote for free speech is more free speech.

  2. Toastrider says:

    Mmph. This argument could go either way.

    On one hand, yes. The right of free speech and peaceable assembly should be held inviolate.

    On the other hand, a funeral is not a public gathering, nor is it a forum for someone to air a grievance, regardless of its merit (or lack thereof, in the case of the WBC).

    I understand where the Freeholder is coming from regarding counter-protests. Under other circumstances I heartily approve (the WBC got royally humiliated at San Diego ComicCon; I’ve never been prouder of my fellow geeks). But the blunt fact is, does the family want a shouting match just outside the funeral of a loved one?

    Frankly, I loathe the WBC and their trolling (I really have no other way to describe it). They game the system so that they can avoid the consequences of their contemptible verbal tirades, which in a better world would result in a justified and well deserved beating, followed by being tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.

    So after much consideration, I must disagree with you, Freeholder. Funerals are not appropriate, and if they don’t like it, they can file a brief challenging it.

    But they best stay out of my way while they do it.

  3. MadRocketScientist says:

    I gotta agree, Funerals & Memorials are private events (unless specifically open the the public). Laws preventing protestors from intruding directly into such events are fine. They can protest 300 yards away just fine.

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