Release the Inner Slut!

My wife’s and my ah, er sexual expressiveness has been bottled up for a while by (aaaargh) mutual consent while we finish her doctoral thesis. Frustrating, yes, but it’s for a good cause (he says, biting his knuckles). Well, she turned in the final draft for her doctoral defense Sunday night, and the defense is next Monday. After that, there’s minor editing to be done, but we’re hiring an editor for that, partly because the “recommended” editor’s a friend of the thesis advisor, and I’m long past worrying about minor graft in academia — and partly because I just want the thesis to be over for us for reasons that should be obvious.

And when we break open that bottled-up passion, I think we’re going to need more than one of these wonderful waterproof throws. Just in time for Christmas! Plush throws seem to be all the rage as gifts nowadays; why not give something different this year? That they sell them at Walgreens is, I think, as much a sign of modern society’s openness about sex — even kinky sex — as the factoid about premeasured enemas being the best-selling item in most drugstores nowadays. Enemas for sexual use aren’t exactly our bag (sorry for the pun), but unless there’s been a sudden epidemic of constipation in America in the last decade, there evidently are lots of folks out there into that sort of thing, which says a lot.

At home, it’s difficult to avoid all the pressures of the various projects we’ve got tearing at us; our most enjoyable times are when we’re traveling because everything else falls away and we get to focus on each other. That can get pretty intense, but in a scary-good kind of way. I’ve always been pretty fearless in pushing sexual boundaries, and it’s fun on every trip for us to find out she likes new things, while still keeping some of my more outrageous ideas in check. She grew up a Catholic Latina, and word on the street in the ‘hood was that the Latino boys liked the white girls because white people were all sexual freaks. Little did I know I had this reputation to live up to!

…Anyway, I’m looking forward to some quality time — in quantity — sooner rather than later. (NSFW) has some fun stuff we’ve enjoyed viewing from time to time, and it’s filmed in the Citadel, which is apparently worth a visit. Should we visit in the near future, look for a review here. As for tamer fare, TBK’s (NSFW) a good site to start your exploration if you, too, are looking for fun things to explore with your mate.

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3 Responses to Release the Inner Slut!

  1. Petey says:

    I never would have noticed the pre-measured enemas. The various lubricants I noticed seem to have been relocated closer and closer to the cashier. I bet the adult-sized French maid and cheerleader Halloween costumes sold have a selling trend similar to the above mentioned products as well.

  2. Rivrdog says:

    Repressed sexual energy can be re-directed into mental energy to produce a better thesis?

    DUDE, that is sooooo out of date. I’d like to hear someone actually defend THAT idea in a doctoral thesis.

    I’m afraid you are too close to the game to see the “hidden ball trick” here, David.

  3. Davidwhitewolf says:

    Oh no, I’m quite aware of it. Problem is, we both legitimately can become incredibly focused on particular projects. I’m not nicknamed “OCDave” for nothing. It wasn’t so much redirection as simply ensuring that we allocate time to the project. This thing’s been dragging on for some time, and mutually agreeing to deny ourselves was a very effective way to force us to get it done quickly. It worked!

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