Rule #1: Don’t Open The Door

No, this is not a Halloween joke post. We Californians don’t have “storm doors,” whatever those might be, but I think I’ll look into adding one after reading this account.

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5 Responses to Rule #1: Don’t Open The Door

  1. Rivrdog says:

    Shotgun and blinding light. They first get to see the shotgun, then you dazzle them with the blinding light for the rest of the time they’re on your porch. The one you’re dazzling will be unable to respond effectively, and the home invasion has then lost it’s point man.

    As for me, I’ll risk being an asshole (get called one almost everyday on my blog anyway), and order the oh-dark-thirty guy off my porch and out of my yard, on penalty of arrest and worse. I WILL inform the interloper that I have a gun and am prepared to use it.

    If it was me, I’d NOT have lit up the house: you’ve just backlighted yourself, a tactical no-no.

    In earlier times, I’d have slipped out the back or side door and made ninja-war in my darkened yard, but I’m getting a bit old for that sort of thing.

  2. keads says:

    I do not work for the door manufacturer, but info on the door is:

    I DO have honest people looking for help here occasionally. I want to do right by them. The use of deadly force to repel a trespasser is not allowed here, nor would I want to. The act of pointing a firearm here can be construed at best simple assault and at worse use of deadly force. I don’t need to risk all of that if I do not have to.

    If I leave the house it is because I must. Why would I leave the surroundings I am most familiar with and an intruder does not?

    Rivrdog, do as you see fit for your situation as will I.

    “To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”
    -Sun Tzu, the Art of War

  3. Rivrdog says:

    Keads, Sun Tzu would also tell you that there’s never been a fortress built that can’t be breached by a determined army.

    I offer advice on survival, and I’m prepared to survive. That’s why I live here in the West, where Grand Juries will seldom convict (so the DA doesn’t charge) homeowners who use deadly force at any level to defend themselves. The key, of course, is that you have to be defending YOURSELF, and that your circumstances are that you are reacting to a threat on your, or someone else’s life.

    By all means, get a stout storm door. I don’t have one of those, simply because of the fact that I keep my doors locked, and breakage of the door by an intruder creates that deadly-force scenario in MY mind, and will also in the minds of the Grand Jury. I practice shooting just so I may prevail in these possible challenges to my life security.

    I don’t know where you live, Keads, but I’d wager that if you check the law AND IT’S APPLICATION out well, you would find that your are actually permitted to use lethal force to defend yourself, you’ve just been told by anti-gun folks that you can’t.

  4. keads says:

    Rivrdog- Thanks for the feedback. I do not live out west. I am fully cognizant of the general statutes governing “The Use of Deadly Force by Civilians” in this state and the application of them, including the weird modified Castle Doctrine that we have. Far more than the average CCH permit holder here. Believe me.

    As your first statement is correct in your response, that is why I had a handgun at the ready.

    We are on the same side I believe. Just different approaches. As I said before, do as you see fit for a given situation as will I. That is all I said. I did not impugn your thoughts in the least.

  5. keads says:

    @Rivrdog- Thanks for your service to the country! Veterans Day is coming and I wanted to get that out there.

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