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Enjoy the Decline
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Daily Archives: July 4, 2010
My Diaper is Full… of Chic
Now that my generation’s old enough to be running and managing ad agencies, you’re getting lots more stuff like this. Which is a Good Thing for our funny bones. Crank the sound for the full effect.
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Have a happy and safe 4th
There’ll be a finger count when we all come back tomorrow. Those with too few and/or burns will be laughed at.
Posted in Uncategorized
Revenge of the Nerds, indeed
Heya GunGeeks! Life Liberty Etc. has your hookup! The Periodic Table of Ammunition shirt Good bunch of guys there at Life Liberty Etc. I get all my various stickers through them. Now if I could only get one of the … Continue reading
Please, God, No.
Smite this heathen beast in tennis shoes. It is being reported that Washington Senator, Patty Murray (aka: She who though Osama Bin Laden was building day cares in Afghanistan) is joining with 25 other Senators to try and get the … Continue reading
Posted in Freaks, Mutants, and Morons