Have a happy and safe 4th

There’ll be a finger count when we all come back tomorrow.

Those with too few and/or burns will be laughed at.

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4 Responses to Have a happy and safe 4th

  1. Janelle B. says:

    Its Independence Day not the 4th of July. Do you celebrate the 25th of December?

  2. Phil says:

    #1 – Cliches are not arguments. If we were going to celebrate the day in the proper manner, we’d be assembling lampposts, rope and Congressmen & women, not giving money to the Chinese for their expertise in making things which sturm and drang.

    But hey, I couldn’t get enough people on my “Celebration Committee” so I’m stuck at home.

    #2 – Why yes, I do. But only because everyone else I know does. Otherwise, “Christmas” as a holiday, is a pointless exercise and I would ignore it entirely as I do all other religious holidays.

    The only real difference between the two days is that it is damn near impossible to turn money into actual happiness, but entirely possible to turn it into actual noise.

    #3 – Why yes, I am a cold, mean, heartless and cruel bastard. I am  tall, dark and gruesome as well.

    But, I’m nice to kittens and puppies because they show their appreciation more honestly than the vast majority of humans.

  3. Mom says:

    Wow – Missy Janelle must have woke up on the wrong side of the sleeping bag with a fart in crosswise !

    If I were to guess, I’d say her holiday didn’t turn out as planned !

  4. Janelle B. says:

    I wasn’t being mean, just sarcastic.

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