Why am I in doubt

That Boomershoot would be covered under this plan if it were implemented in the US?

An overseas holiday used to be thought of as a reward for a year’s hard work. Now Brussels has declared that tourism is a human right and pensioners, youths and those too poor to afford it should have their travel subsidised by the taxpayer.

Under the scheme, British pensioners could be given cut-price trips to Spain, while Greek teenagers could be taken around disused mills in Manchester to experience the cultural diversity of Europe.

The idea for the subsidised tours is the brainchild of Antonio Tajani, the European Union commissioner for enterprise and industry, who was appointed by Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian prime minister.

The scheme, which could cost hundreds of millions of pounds a year, is intended to promote a sense of pride in European culture, bridge the north-south divide in the continent and prop up resorts in their off-season.

They actually used the word “brainchild” to describe this fantastically fucknozzled idea?

I have heard the “From each according to his ability. To each according to their need.” more times than I care to recall. I just never envisioned that the phrase “I need a holiday!” would reach the point of getting a government subsidy.

I guess I just wasn’t thinking enough like a European.

While FDR’s Second Bill of Rights abomination listed “recreation” as a right, it was written out as having the right to provide adequate recreation via income from employment.

I would say that this is just vote buying, but this freak was appointed.

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