RNS Quote of the Day: 03/09/09

In an update to this post from last week, on the subject of liberals not understanding the idea of “Going Galt” continues. Though it now seems to be getting popular among the liberal blogs.

Not that they are going to do so, they just hope that more fiscal conservatives do so. And quickly.

They also do not like the Tea Parties on little bit. Here’s Oliver Willis (Occupation: Toole) stamping his fat little feets. Never mind that he is cherry picking events. He’s always right, don’t you know.

And so I’d like to leave you all with a couple of quotes on the subject.

The first is a comment at Insty, written by a recently laid-off citizen of North Carolina on the fact the state is having “Cash Flow” problems and can’t get refunds out to their citizens on time.

They might want to be careful. Some of us “too busy to protest because of work” types are suddenly becoming alarmingly un-busy. And alarmingly not very happy about it.


The other is one you Serenity fans will recognize. You should read this Stephen Green/Vodka Pundit PJM article where it is included within.

Let’s be bad guys.

Jayne Cobb

Black clothes. Black rifle. And flying the black flag. I’m ready to be a bad guy.

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7 Responses to RNS Quote of the Day: 03/09/09

  1. Rivrdog says:

    To the above list of suspects, you can add Paulistas.

    A troll named “Stormy Dragon” who hangs around gunblogs (well, Say Uncle and my blog, at least) came over and commented (dumped on) my recent post about a PTSD-labeled Veteran getting his gun rights ripped off.

    I looked up Stormy Dragon in the referrers, and tracked this lizard to his/her lair:


    Wow, a total Pauloon.

    The Paulies are still out there, people. They’re mostly laying low now, but as we get closer to 2012, expect a resurgence of Truthers from the Ron Paul camp, and maybe Doctor Paul himself will grace the “Right” with a comeback attempt.

  2. In keeping with the Serenity/Firefly theme, shouldn’t that be a brown coat?

  3. Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET says:

    Red Flag, No Quarter.

  4. Army of Dad says:

    States do not confer citizenship, only the federal government does that. The gentleman you refer to to is a resident of North Carolina.

    Sorry to pick nits, but I have the same reaction when I here a cop refer to non-cops as citizens.

  5. Mollbot says:

    I kind of chuckle when cops or firemen refer to people as “civilians.”

    Um… unless you’re in the reserves, pal… you’re a civilian too.

  6. Rivrdog says:

    Considering the nature of the work that police and firefighters do, some easy way to differentiate the worker from the others in the area is appropriate.

    The word “civilian” is just more, well, “civil”.

    The military is used to settling on much less flattering names than “civilian”. In “Nam, we had “gook” and “slope”, in Iraq they use “Haji”.

    Of course, this provides a ready made excuse for the brass to get all politically correct, and forget that the grunts are there to shoot, move and talk to each other while doing so, and trying to make everything politically correct adds an element of danger to the troops under their command, so be glad the use of this “incorrect” word by police and fire doesn’t actually put anyone’s life in jeopardy, like it does in the war zone.

    When are we conservatives realize that we are actually THREATENED now by the socialists, and stop hammering on each other for perceived slights?

    We can’t defeat political correctness by advocating it, now can we?

  7. Phil says:

    Noted and stored, AoD.

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