From Hero to Zero

Envy is a worthless emotion. 99.99% of the time you cannot even turn it into something useful and if you do try to use it as such, you stand a very good chance at becoming bitter about the subject.

So I make very few exceptions to my rule to not become jealous towards anyone or anything.

One of those exceptions is Jim Scoutten.

He writes and does TV on both firearms and high-end automobiles and gets paid for it. WTF!?! How can I not envy that life?

But then he goes and says things like this about the Northwest’s premier Long Distance Precision Rifle event, known around these parts as Boomershoot.

I’ve always thought there are some events that shouldn’t get National TV coverage.

When we’d like the public to think of competitive shooting to be like other mainstream sports.

I’ve read the thread in which this conversation between Scoutten and Kevin Baker took place. I also understand, if maybe not fully, his reasoning.

But I cannot believe that he watched the King 5 broadcast in its entirety and still thinks that it comes off as a “Sniper Event”. At worst, it comes off as a practice event for “murderers of cute-wittle Prairie Dogs”. We aren’t making anyone LRRP it to their shooting positions or try and take shots from behind cover. Somewhere around 75% of the attendants shoot from a bench, fercrissakes!

How is that a “sniper event”, Mr. Scoutten?

As the poster “Boomershoot” stated, there’ll be another TV crew out there this year and they’ll show Scoutten’s boys how to portray a family-friendly Long Distance Precision Rifle event as a non-“Sniper Event”. Just like the King 5 crew did in 2005.

It is time for people to stop worrying about “scaring the bigots”.

Let them comment. I have little doubt that as long as they remain civil, Joe will publically extend a hearty invitation. If they are unwilling to meet the folks they criticize, then it will be shown to all that it is their bigotry that is the problem.

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5 Responses to From Hero to Zero

  1. Pingback: The View From North Central Idaho

  2. Pingback: - Liberty and Freedom for All » Scoutten says no Boomershoot Coverage on Shooting USA

  3. DirtCrashr says:

    He’s not the NRA, he’s the MSM…

  4. Joe Huffman says:

    As you certainly suspected I use the alias “Boomershoot” on ARFCOM.

  5. Pingback: walls of the city

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