Compare and Contrast

The leftosphere freaks out over a Republican Rep from Minnesota who states that she wants her constituents to be mentally “armed and dangerous” in their opposition to President Obama’s Cap & Trade nation-killer plan.

I want people in Minnesota armed and dangerous on this issue of the energy tax because we need to fight back. Thomas Jefferson told us ‘having a revolution every now and then is a good thing,’ and the people – we the people – are going to have to fight back hard if we’re not going to lose our country. And I think this has the potential of changing the dynamic of freedom forever in the United States.

Quite pointed rhetoric, but not actually calling for even a spec of violence. They get nuttier than squirrel turds and run around in their circles wailing and gnashing their teeth for a day or so over it.

However, when one of the leftosphere’s darlings, Washington’s Jay Inslee, makes a similar remark

The ban on offshore oil drilling that expired last September will be restored by “any means necessary,” Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), who serves on both the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, told on Friday.

At the end of September 2008, Congress – then in the midst of crafting a $700-billion financial bailout and facing nationwide pressure to lower gas prices and remove the ban – allowed a 26-year-old moratorium of offshore oil drilling that had been annually attached to the Interior Department funding bill, to expire.

Since then, the Bureau of Land Management has allowed bidding on leases for oil exploration. But some Democratic members of congress have indicated they would like to see the ban restored.

The moratorium on offshore oil drilling “will be reinstated,” Inslee told, but he did not specify whether he meant the executive branch moratorium or the one from the Interior Department.

“One way or the other, it will be reinstated,” said Inslee. “One way or the other, by any means necessary.

“We are off the Pacific coast, and there would be a civil war,” said Inslee. “There would be something like a secessionist movement if there was a serious attempt to [permanently] remove the moratorium.”

And nothing. Not a peep.

So, for the record, the leftosphere believes that:

A revolt over taxes (one of the biggest reasons this republic was assembled) = Bad.

Civil war and Secession over off shore drilling = Good.

Just thought you might like to know.

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One Response to Compare and Contrast

  1. Myles says:

    Everyone is getting in on the civil war talk these days.

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